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Projects Digital & Microwave Photonics

Ongoing projects

2015-2017 “ROAM: Revolutionising optical fibre transmission and networking using the Orbital Angular Momentum of light” funded by European Community (H2020)

2015-2018 “FIWIN5G: FIber-Wireless Integrated Networks for 5th Generation delivery” funded by European Community (H2020)

2015-2017 “SWaP constrained photonic-assisted RF transceiver for aerospace, cognitive radio and remote sensing applications”, funded by the Brazilian Agency CAPES

2015 “Optical beamforming”, funded by Ericsson

2014 “Design of the RF spectrum scanner prototype based on discrete components” Funded by Elettronica Spa

2014-2015 “PETRA: Photonic Environment moniToring Risk Assessment” within the European Research Council “Proof of concept grant”

2014-2016 “RAPIDO: Revolutionary Advances in Photonics Integration Being Applied for Optical Communication” funded by European Community (FP 7)

2014-2015 “COMBINE: Multi-layer interconnection network based on optical angular momentum multiplexing & wavelength division multiplexing switching”, within the U.S.-Italy Significant Bilateral Projects, funded by Ministry of Foreign Affair

2013-2016 “MINOS: MIcro- and NanO-structured photonic devices based on strained silicon for ultrafast Switching in datacom applications”, FIRB funded by Ministry of Education, University and Research

Old projects (un the last ten years)

2013-2014 “PREPaRE: PRE-industrial Photonic-based Radar dEsign” within the European Research Council “Proof of concept grant”

2012-2015 “ARNO: Integrated optical packet networks for access and transport” funded by Tuscany Region

2012-2014 “SOPHIA: Software-defined multicarrier wideband transceiver based on photonic technologies for TLC wireless applications” funded by Italian Defense Ministry

2009-2013 “PHODIR: PHOtonic-based full DIgital Radar” within the European Research Council “Starting Grant”

2011-2012 “INSIDE: toward Integrated photoNic-aSsisted fully-dIgital raDar transcEiver” within the European program Nexpresso, “Network for EXchange and PRototype Evaluation of photonicS componentS and Optical systems”

2009 “Nanophotonics for ultra-fast processing of moving” funded by Fondazione Silvio Tronchetti Provera

2009-2012 “ACEPLAN “ACtivE PLAsmoNics and lossless metamaterials” funded by Europen Consortium NanoSci-ERA

2008-2012 EUROFOS Project “Pan-European Photonics Task Force: Integrating Europe’s Expertise on Photonic Subsystems” (Network of Excellence) funded by European Community (FP 7)

2008-2010 “GOSPEL “Governing the Speed of Light” funded by the European Community (FP 7)

2008 “Integrated time domain optical interleaver for photonic-based full-digital radar receiver” within the European program ACCORD “Advanced Components Cooperation for Optoelectronics Research and Development”.

2007-2009 “Photonic Enabling Devices for Regeneration and Optical Switching (PEDROS)”, funded by the Ministry of University and of the Scientific and Technologic Research, for the international bilateral cooperation with Canada.

2007-2009 “Laboratory for PhOtonic switching nETworks (POET)”, funded by the Ministry of University and of the Scientific and Technologic Research, for the international bilateral cooperation with India.

2006 “Feasibility study for 100 Gb/s Ethernet transport” funded by Ericsson.

2004-2005 "Realization of prototypes of ultra-short pulse optical source" funded by Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Pisa – Italy