Antonella Bogoni, Professor at Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies, is one of the pioneers of the Integrated Research Center for Photonic Networks and Technologies created in Pisa in 2001 by Sant’Anna School and CNIT (National Inter-University Consortium for Telecommunications), where currently she is director of the CNIT National Laboratory on Photonic Networks and Technologies-PNTLab. From 2020 to 2021 she has also been technical responsible of the Integrated Photonic Technologies Center-INPHOTEC, a technology center for the fabrication and packaging of integrated photonic circuits and leader of the “digital & microwave photonics” area.
Antonella Bogoni dedicated her research activity to photonics technologies for optical communication and sensing, with special focus on Security, Space, Automotive and precise agriculture applications.
She collaborated with the University of Southern California (USC) in Los Angeles where she worked in 2008 and from 2009 to 2010 as winner of a “Fulbright” scholarship.
Since 2009 she obtained three ERC grants (one starting and two proof of concept) for developing a photonic-based fully digital radar system, presented on NATURE in 2014.
Up to now Antonella Bogoni got more than 48 national and international project grants with funding exceeding 10M€ and 9 Best Paper awards. She is co/author of 55 patents, 2 books, 9 chapters and more than 180 papers on the main scientific international journals (22 invited contributions). She has been Topical Editor for Optics Letters and she is involved in the technical and organizing committee of several international conferences.