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Antonio Frisoli (Eng., PhD) is Full Professor of Engineering Mechanics and Robotics at Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, where he leads the Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) area  at Institute of Mechanical Intelligence.  He received his PhD (2002) with honors in Industrial and Information Engineering from Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Italy and the MSc (1998) in Mechanical Engineering, minor Robotics, from University of Pisa-Italy and in Industrial Engineering from Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna (1998) as honor student in engineering.  He is currently the President of Artes4.0, the Italian National Competence Center on Robotics and Industry 4.0. He is IEEE senior member, associate editor for IEEE Robotics Automation Magazine and covers several scientific and editorial roles in scientific societies (Eurohaptics, ICORR),  international conferences and journals. His research interest are in the area of collaborative robotics, rehabilitation robotics, wearable robotics and exoskeletons, multimodal interaction and haptics, wearable devices and virtual reality. He is very active in technology transfer and open innovation, and has been the co-founder of two spin-off Wearable Robotics srl, a leading company in the area of exoskeletons, and Next Generation Robotics srl, which is bringing to market robot solutions for railway and rolling stocks.


The Human-Robot Interaction ( area is a research area of the Perceptual Robotics laboratory (PERCRO) of Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, led by Prof. Antonio Frisoli.
The group has a consolidated expertise in psychophysics of the human perception and biomechanics of human motion, with specific reference to the tactile and haptic sense, such expertise is being employed for the development of novel haptic devices including large workspace devices, desktop devices and force feedback exoskeletons. These devices are being employed to replicate contact feelings during virtual presence, telepresence and haptic enhanced devices (such as for new generation of mobile vehicles).

The Humna-Robot Interaction group is also engaged in the clinical field by developing and applying innovative robotic systems, coupled also with enriched virtual environments, for neuromotor and orthopedic rehabilitation purposes. The advance in robotic and neuroscience technology fields can greatly improve the stroke rehabilitation by giving an alternative to classical rehabilitation exercise and a supplement to the one-to-one therapy which can substantially improve the repeatability and intensity of the motor training as well as the patients’ motivation.



Robotica 4.0, robot in fourh industrila revolution - On line lesson (in Italian)
