10.02.2023 Content type: “Women and science”: the exhibition of scientific scenarios made with Lego ® bricks is open to the public, in the Atrio del Pozzo of the Sant'Anna School
08.02.2023 Content type: Presentazione del rapporto “I sistemi e le politiche locali del cibo come strumento per la trasformazione dei sistemi alimentari”
07.02.2023 Content type: Il benvenuto della Scuola Sant'Anna alle nuove e ai nuovi docenti: presentazione di Maria Enrica Virgillito e Alberto Giannoni
02.02.2023 Content type: Perspectives and challenges of the "Coalition for advancing research assessment" initiative
01.02.2023 Content type: Presentation of the book "Le imprese recuperate in Italia" by Leonard Mazzone and Romolo Calcagno
31.01.2023 Content type: Mind the knowledge gap! Exploring the causes of declining business dynamism in a macro agent-based model
27.01.2023 Content type: Readings and images on Holocaust Memorial Day: "It happened, so it can happen again: this is the core of what we have to say"
26.01.2023 Content type: Horizons in Medicine and Biology: studi su larga scala per aiutare a comprendere le malattie umane: dall’eziologia alla previsione del rischio
26.01.2023 Content type: Opening lecture of internal course in Introduction to the Italian Intelligence System