24.03.2023 Content type: Multidisciplinary interventions for the protection of exploited women and men workers
22.03.2023 Content type: Il benvenuto della Scuola Sant'Anna alle nuove e ai nuovi docenti: presentazione di Andrea Bertolini e Andrea Vandin
21.03.2023 Content type: Politics or policy: A network approach to the market for the allocation of development finance for renewable energy projects
16.03.2023 Content type: Human Rights under Occupation: A Dialogue with the UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories occupied since 1967
07.03.2023 Content type: "Le Supreme - I vantaggi di essere XX" show with Emanuela Grimalda and Marco Martinelli" returns
07.03.2023 Content type: Machine Learning for Zombie Hunting: Predicting Distress from Firms’ Accounts and Missing Values