06.12.2022 Content type: Presentation of "Ventidue", the sixteenth issue of Jacobine Italia magazine, dedicated to the centenary of the March on Rome
06.12.2022 Content type: Is the price right? The role of morals, ideology, and tradeoff thinking in explaining reactions to price surges
01.12.2022 Content type: Industrial Policies and Development: the Latin American Experiences, Perspectives and Challenges
29.11.2022 Content type: Presentation of the book "La Conquista dei Diritti. Un’idea della storia" by Emanuele Felice
29.11.2022 Content type: Changing Patterns of Risk-Sharing Channels in the United States and the Euro Area
29.11.2022 Content type: The 2020 Juba Agreement for Peace in Sudan and Prospects for Peacebuilding in Darfur
23.11.2022 Content type: ‘The Capital Order. How Economists Invented Austerity and Paved the Way to Fascism’ by Clara Mattei