04.11.2022 Content type: Le radici e le forme. La capacità ordinante del diritto: convegno in memoria di Paolo Grossi
03.11.2022 Content type: Inaugural ceremony of the eighth edition of the university master's diploma "Vini italiani, mercati mondiali"
02.11.2022 Content type: Digital skills for all? From computer literacy to AI skills in online job advertisements
27.10.2022 Content type: Transitional, Distributive and Compensatory Justice in Responding to Global Challenges
26.10.2022 Content type: Presentazione del libro 'Controllare e proteggere. Il ritorno dello Stato' di Paolo Gerbaudo
25.10.2022 Content type: Do changes in the real exchange rate affect the trade balance? Evidence from European countries
24.10.2022 Content type: Improving the sustainability of agriculture: workshop as part of the CAPITALISE project