26.01.2024 Content type: Giorno della Memoria: proiezione del film "Vite sospese - dal buio alla luce"
25.01.2024 Content type: Sustainable development: a three-gap model and some simulations for Latin America
24.01.2024 Content type: Convegno conclusivo progetto PRO3 "Sostenibilità Sociale e Disuguaglianza di Genere"
23.01.2024 Content type: How do you know you won't like it if you've never tried it? Preference discovery and strategic bundling
19.01.2024 Content type: SUSTAIN Center of Excellence presentation: "Navigating the Future of EU Sustainable Food Systems in the Digital Age"
18.01.2024 Content type: "Fantastic Researchers and Where to Find Them": presentation of the second season
17.01.2024 Content type: “Sotto pressione: approcci avanzati per la sicurezza e la prevenzione in ambiente Subacqueo e Iperbarico”
16.01.2024 Content type: Production and Financial Networks in Interplay: Crisis Evidence from Supplier-Customer and Credit Registers