Il contrasto alla dispersione scolastica come dovere costituzionale per la comunità Open new browser tab Frega, S. (2024)
Improving access to and reuse of research results, publications and data for scientific purposes – Study to evaluate the effects of the EU copyright framework on research and the effects of potential interventions and to identify and present relevant provisions for research in EU data and digital legislation, with a focus on rights and obligations (Publications Office of the European Union) Open new browser tab Commission and Directorate-General for Research and Innovation, European; Senftleben, M.; Szkalej, K.; Doris, B.; Van Eechoud, M.; Irion, K.; Buri, I.; Frigeri, M.; Karabuga, E.; King, L.; Margoni, T.; Schirru, L.; Stahler, L.; Sganga, C.; Turan, P.; Contardi, M.; Signoretta, C.; Edwards, E.; Stanciauskas, V.; Kazlauskaite, D.; Delkute-Morgan, R.; Siaulytyle, G.; Kublashvili, A.; Voronecki, T. (2024)
La voce dei giovani studiosi sulla riforma del precariato universitario. Note metodologiche per il dibattito Open new browser tab Gotti, Giammaria (2024)
The Great Adaptation: Technique, Environment, and the Law on the Globe Open new browser tab Pratti, Guilherme (2024)
To Investigate or not to Investigate? Prosecutorial Discretion and its Judicial Review at the International Criminal Court Open new browser tab POLTRONIERI ROSSETTI, Luca (2024)
Technologies for the Automation of Anatomic Pathology Processes: A Review Open new browser tab Ciancia, Sabrina; Vannozzi, Lorenzo; Poliziani, Aliria; Guachi-Guachi, Lorena; Amram, Denise; Lunni, Dario; Zucca, Alessandra; Bellini, Marco; Spagnoli, Luigi; Pedrazzini, Gian Andrea; Cavazzana, Andrea; Ricotti, Leonardo (2024)
Denise Amram - Nicoletta Patti. 2024. Recent Policy Initiatives and Safeguards for Children as Online Users. 1, 1 (May 2024), 4, 17 June 2024 Open new browser tab Amram, D.; Patti, N. (2024)
Book Review. Litigating the Climate Emergency: How Human Rights, Courts, and Legal Mobilization Can Bolster Climate Action, edited by César Rodríguez-Garavito, Cambridge University Press, 2022 Open new browser tab Luporini, R. (2024)
Teorie sociali e politiche dei cospirazionismi Open new browser tab Solinas, Marco; Hassan, Claudia (2024)