25.05.2023 Content type: news Agroecology at the center: scheduled for Tuesday, May 30, the Open Day of the Centro di Ricerche Agro-Ambientali "Enrico Avanzi," organized by Sant'Anna School and the University of Pisa
25.05.2023 Content type: news Cooperation between Italy and Chad: course dedicated to international judicial cooperation, funded by Farnesina and coordinated by Sant'Anna School, concluded
25.05.2023 Content type: news The experience of hospitalization in Tuscany analyzed by the Management and Healthcare Laboratory (MeS) of the Sant'Anna School: huge patient participation with more than 1,200 surveys completed in only March
25.05.2023 Content type: news Disaster risk management: a Summer School on the dialogue between science and politics at Sant'Anna School from Monday, May 29 to Wednesday, May 31. Participants from all over Europe to reflect on scientific knowledge and public decisions
23.05.2023 Content type: news In Lucca the final conference of "Collaborare si può - Idee e strumenti di co-programmazione e co-progettazione per lo sviluppo locale", with the participation of Luca Gori, researcher at the Sant'Anna School
23.05.2023 Content type: news Luca Gori, a researcher at the Sant'Anna School, speaks at the conference " Amministrazione condivisa e sussidiarietà orizzontale”, scheduled for Tuesday, May 23, in Perugia
23.05.2023 Content type: news Business sustainability: the Institute of Management of the Sant'Anna School and Cch Tagetik collaborate to define new best practices for sustainable business models
22.05.2023 Content type: news JUMP programme: the 2023 call has been published to participate in the selection of Proof of Concept (PoC) projects financed by the Ministry of Enterprise and Made in Italy under the PNRR
22.05.2023 Content type: news "Can we imagine an agriculture without chemical pesticides in 2050?": the results of an innovative study involving the Centre of Plant Sciences of the Sant'Anna School