08.06.2023 Content type: news Improving the sustainability of sports: online the website of the FREE KICKS project, developed with the coordination of the SuM Laboratory of the Sant'Anna School. Toward innovative environmental practices among national football federations
08.06.2023 Content type: news Erasmus+ GOALS European project to promote environmental sustainability: new successes together with Portuguese and Romanian soccer federations achieve ISO14001 certification for environmental management
07.06.2023 Content type: news Sant'Anna School present at the National Conference "Valuing research and promoting the impact on society. Third mission projects of Italian universities" organized and hosted by the University of Padua
07.06.2023 Content type: news The cooperation between Italy and Cameroon continues: in Yaoundé, the fifth advanced training course organized by the Sant'Anna School with the support of the Farnesina and the collaboration of local counterparts comes to an end
07.06.2023 Content type: news Students of the PhD program in Law organize and participate in the seminar dedicated to the volume "Soggetto privato nella Costituzione italiana" by Paolo Barile
06.06.2023 Content type: news International awards: a study on cybersecurity systems by the ReTiS Laboratory of the Sant'Anna School receives the Best Paper Award as part of Cyber-Physical Systems and IoT Week 2023
06.06.2023 Content type: news Fighting crime and terrorism in Chad: course dedicated to 20 magistrates and judges kicks off, with support from Farnesina and scientific coordination of the Sant'Anna School
06.06.2023 Content type: news The second phase of Joint Stars 2022/2023, the most important exercise in the Italian defence panorama, which saw the participation of the Sant'Anna School, has ended
05.06.2023 Content type: news "A Healthcare that listens improves!", on June 9th at Florence a conference on the PREMs Observatory on ordinary hospitalization, MeS Laboratory of the Sant'Anna School, in collaboration with the Tuscany Region
01.06.2023 Content type: news Healthcare, the Management and Healthcare Laboratory (MeS) of the Sant'Anna School analyzes 2022 and Tuscany still hits the spot. Rector Sabina Nuti's call: "Relaunch Tuscany's role as a trailblazer and invest in prevention"