30.05.2023 Content type: news BRIGHT NIGHT 2023: the European Night of Researchers in Tuscany returns on Friday 29 September. Many initiatives have been organized by the Sant'Anna School and by the other promoting bodies
30.05.2023 Content type: news Higher Education: enrollment is open, until Tuesday, June 20, for the VI edition of the " Corso di Ri-validazione dell'attestato di formazione manageriale per Dirigenti di Struttura Complessa"
30.05.2023 Content type: news "I fondi europei e la digitalizzazione della PA": the digital reform of Public Administration under the PNRR is the topic of the webinar sponsored by the Sant'Anna School with ANSA Agency
26.05.2023 Content type: news Edge computing: concludes the second edition of the RAGE 2023 workshop, in San Antonio, Texas, USA, an event with the RETIS Laboratory of the Sant'Anna School among the organizers
26.05.2023 Content type: news Enrollments are open for THRUST - Tuscany Health Ecosystem entRepreneUrial Skills Training
25.05.2023 Content type: news Agroecology at the center: scheduled for Tuesday, May 30, the Open Day of the Centro di Ricerche Agro-Ambientali "Enrico Avanzi," organized by Sant'Anna School and the University of Pisa
25.05.2023 Content type: news Cooperation between Italy and Chad: course dedicated to international judicial cooperation, funded by Farnesina and coordinated by Sant'Anna School, concluded
25.05.2023 Content type: news The experience of hospitalization in Tuscany analyzed by the Management and Healthcare Laboratory (MeS) of the Sant'Anna School: huge patient participation with more than 1,200 surveys completed in only March
25.05.2023 Content type: news Disaster risk management: a Summer School on the dialogue between science and politics at Sant'Anna School from Monday, May 29 to Wednesday, May 31. Participants from all over Europe to reflect on scientific knowledge and public decisions