04.11.2024 Content type: news Advanced training course in Sport Management and Sustainability, promoted by the Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna of Pisa in collaboration with ACF Fiorentina. Enrolment from 4 November for 30 places available; lessons in Florence and online from 7 February
29.10.2024 Content type: news The Sant'Anna School at Lucca Comics and Games with the talk “Superheroes, What Right Do You Have?” featuring Jeph Loeb, Giuseppe Martinico, and Jessica Tseang.
28.10.2024 Content type: news Visit of Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna honor students to the United Nations Global Service Centre in Brindisi on the occasion of UN Day 2024
28.10.2024 Content type: news Green light for the MERITA project: the new network for talent, coordinated by the Sant'Anna School, and composed of the Scuola Normale and the Scuola Superiori di Ateneo of Bologna, Padua and Rome Sapienza, financed with PNRR resources
24.10.2024 Content type: news Participation of the Sant'Anna School at the 15th Forum of the Borsa della Ricerca in Catania: the National Event Connecting University Research, Startups, and Investors
24.10.2024 Content type: news Sant'Anna Business Game is back: university education and the business world meet at Sant'Anna School. How to participate in the initiative organized by the Junior Enterprise Business & Engineering (JEBE)
23.10.2024 Content type: news Third Sector, recognition for Luca Gori, assistant professor in Constitutional and Public Law at the Sant'Anna School: he has been appointed as an expert member of the National Observatory on the Shared Administration
22.10.2024 Content type: news Neuroscience, a study coordinated by the Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies investigates the mechanisms for encoding contextual information in the brain
21.10.2024 Content type: news Talents at work with JOBFair, a meeting of advanced training, research and 55 of the best companies and organisations in Italy. Wednesday 23 and Thursday 24 October presentations and interviews for students from six Italian Schools of Ecxellence
17.10.2024 Content type: news The fourteenth edition of Health System through Crisis and Recovery, the Sant'Anna School's higher education course that trains practitioners in health systems management in crisis situations, is now underway