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SELECTION FOR Three PROBATIONARY, POSITIONS OF ASSISTANT PROFESSOR in accordance with art. 24 paragraph 3, letter b) of Italian law 240/2010 Academic Class of Experimental and Applied Science

  • Call notice date 14.12.2020
  • Deadline for application submission 04.02.2021

The Sant'Anna School by Rectoral Decree no. 752  dated December, 11, 2020,  whose notice has been published on Gazzetta Ufficiale Serie Concorsi ed Esami no. 1 dated January, 5, 2021, has opened a public selection for the recruitment of three assistant professors (ricercatore a tempo determinato) with full time position, tenure track probationary, temporary contracts (3 years) pursuant to art. 24 paragraph 3 letter B of Italian Law no. 240/2010 at the Academic Class of Experimental and Applied Science in the following Institutes:


Institute of Biorobotics

One position in the Academic Recruitment Field “Bioengineering”  (SC 09/G2) – Academic Discipline ING-INF/06 “Electronic and Informatics Bioengineering”

Institute of Communication, Information and Perception Technologies (TeCIP)

One position in the Academic Recruitment Field "Telecommunications" (SC 09/F2) – Academic Discipline "Telecommunications" (ING-INF/03)

Institute of Life Sciences

One position in the Academic Recruitment Field "Hydraulics, Hydrology, Hydraulic and Marine Constructions" (SC 08/A1) – Academic Discipline "Hydraulic Structures, Maritime Engineering and Hydrology" (ICAR/02)

Deadline: by February, 4,  2021, at 1 p.m. (GMT +1)

To apply please click here

The list of candidated admitted to the interview, the date, the time and place  will be published in this page  on March, 10, 2021 on March, 26, 2021 for the  position  of the Academic Recruitment Field 09/G2, on March, 30, 2021 May, 31, 2021 June, 30, 2021 July, 8, 2021 for the  positions of the  Academic  Recruitment Field 08/A1 and on April, 16,  April, 20, 2021 for the  positions of the  Academic  Recruitment Field 09/F2.

The admitted  candidates will not receive any personal comunication.


Academic Recruitment Field 09/G2: the interview will be held telematically on May, 10, 2021 from 3,30 p.m.

The interviews will be held by TEAMS telematically at the link:

All interested can join the meeting.

Academic Recruitment Field "Telecommunications" (SC 09/F2): the interview will be held telematically on May, 12, 2021 from 8,30 a.m.

  The interviews will be held by TEAMS telematically at the link:

The list of the admitted candidates is in this page.

All interested can join the meeting.

Academic Recruitment Field "Hydraulics, Hydrology, Hydraulic and Marine Constructions" (SC 08/A1): the interview will be held telematically on August, 2, 2021 at 10 a.m. by TEAMS telematically at the link:

The list of the admitted candidates is in this page.

All interested can join the meeting.


Position in the Academic Recruitment Field "Telecommunications" (SC 09/F2) – Academic Discipline "Telecommunications" (ING-INF/03): the committee has been appointed by Rectoral Decree no 122 dated March, 4, 2021.

Position in the Academic Recruitment Field “Bioengineering”  (SC 09/G2) – Academic Discipline ING-INF/06 “Electronic and Informatics Bioengineering”: the committee has been appointed by Rectoral Decree no 128 dated March, 10, 2021.

Position in the Academic Recruitment Field "Hydraulics, Hydrology, Hydraulic and Marine Constructions" (SC 08/A1) – Academic Discipline "Hydraulic Structures, Maritime Engineering and Hydrology" (ICAR/02): : the committee has been appointed by Rectoral Decree no 210 dated April, 19, 2021.


First meetings

Position in the Academic Recruitment Field "Telecommunications" (SC 09/F2) – Academic Discipline "Telecommunications" (ING-INF/03): the Committe has held the preliminary meeting on March, 12, 2021.

Position in the Academic Recruitment Field “Bioengineering”  (SC 09/G2) – Academic Discipline ING-INF/06 “Electronic and Informatics Bioengineering”: the Committe has held the preliminary meeting on March, 23, 2021.

Position in the Academic Recruitment Field "Hydraulics, Hydrology, Hydraulic and Marine Constructions" (SC 08/A1) – Academic Discipline "Hydraulic Structures, Maritime Engineering and Hydrology" (ICAR/02): the Committe has held the preliminary meeting on June, 7, 2021.


Position in the Academic Recruitment Field “Bioengineering”  (SC 09/G2) – Academic Discipline ING-INF/06 “Electronic and Informatics Bioengineering”: By Rectoral Decree no. 332 dated June, 8, 2021 Dr. Alberto Mazzoni has been declared winner.

Position in the Academic Recruitment Field "Telecommunications" (SC 09/F2) – Academic Discipline "Telecommunications" (ING-INF/03): By Rectoral Decree no. 333 dated June, 8, 2021 Dr. Nicola Sambo has been declared winner.

Position in the Academic Recruitment Field "Hydraulics, Hydrology, Hydraulic and Marine Constructions" (SC 08/A1) – Academic Discipline "Hydraulic Structures, Maritime Engineering and Hydrology" (ICAR/02): By Rectoral Decree no. 557 dated September, 16, 2021 Dr. Rudy Rossetto has been declared winner.

For further information  +39 050 883.575/258 or
