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  • Istituto di Economia
  • Seminario

The determinants of international collaborations in green energy technologies: Empirical evidence on OECD and BRIICS countries

Date 23.03.2021 time


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The Institute of Economics will hold a webinar meeting as part of its Seminar Series on Tuesday, March 23, 2021: Nicoletta Corrocher from Bocconi University will present the paper "The determinants of international collaborations in green energy technologies: Empirical evidence on OECD and BRIICS countries".


This paper investigates the determinants of the intensity of international collaborations in energy-related technologies across OECD and BRIICS countries through a gravity model. In particular, the analysis focuses on the role of the distance in the stringency of regulation as an obstacle to green energy co-patenting, controlling for the technological capabilities of the two countries, the existence of innovation-related and energy-related trade agreements, the geographical and social distance, and traditional measures of economic development. The analysis relies upon an original dataset, with data over the period 1995-2014. Results show that the distance between countries in the stringency of environmental policy – particularly with reference to standards, deposit refund schemes and trading schemes - negatively affects the intensity of technological collaborations in energy-related technologies. Similarly, the effect of the preferential trade agreements in the domain of energy and environmental policy is negative. We also find that the availability of local technological capabilities positively affects the intensity of international collaborations. However, if two countries are too distant in terms of technological development, the co-patenting activity is hindered. Finally, the intensity of collaborations is particularly strong between OECD countries, while the involvement of BRIICS countries represents an obstacle to international co-patenting activity.

All interested participants are welcome to join online at the following link. External participants need to contact the organisers via email to grant access to the seminar.