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  • Istituto di Economia
  • Seminario

Geographic Localisation of Knowledge Spillovers: Evidence from Scientific and Academic Citations

Date 16.11.2021 time


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The Institute of Economics will hold a seminar meeting as part of its Seminar Series on Tuesday, November 16, 2021: Aneeq Sarwar from Swinburne University will present the paper "Geographic Localisation of Knowledge Spillovers: Evidence from Scientific and Academic Citations".

Abstract: The existence of a spatial dimension to knowledge spillovers contests the status of knowledge as a public good, because if geography can grant access, it can also exclude access. I examine whether there is a spatial dimension to knowledge spillovers using citation data from scientific and academic citations from the climate change field. I contribute to existing literature by bringing together machine learning techniques to quantify knowledge similarity to construct pair wise comparisons to control for the distribution of academic/scientific activity and draw on data from Web of Science and Patstat. I find significant evidence for the existence of knowledge spillovers in both scientific and academic literature, and identify the underlying mechanism to the spatial dimension.

The seminar will be held online, please use the following link.