08.11.2023 Content type: news From Batman to Harry Potter: students from the Italian province of Lucca meet the law in contemporary mythologies, thanks to the contribution of lecturers from Scuola Sant'Anna. Meetings through December: the agenda
07.11.2023 Content type: news SoundSafe Care, a spin-off of the Sant'Anna School, wins four awards at Meet in Italy for Life Sciences - Startup Breeding 2023, the event dedicated to entrepreneurial ideas and start-ups in the life sciences sector
07.11.2023 Content type: news Erasmus+ Sport ACCESS project: launching a series of webinars organized by Sant'Anna School and ACR+ on environmental management topics, to improve environmental performance To increase the environmental performance of sports organizations
03.11.2023 Content type: news Leonardo Drone Contest: seven Italian universities, including the Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, competing to design drones capable of autonomous flight. The final round will take place in Turin on 8 and 9 November
02.11.2023 Content type: news Virtual reality and gender-based violence: assume the role of a woman suffering cat calling, an immersive experience by the Institute of Mechanical Intelligence at the Luce 2023 Festival
02.11.2023 Content type: news Protection and valorisation of the regional heritage of local varieties: in the technical-scientific commissions appointed by the Region of Tuscany there are three professors from the Crop Science Research Center
31.10.2023 Content type: news Awards: Leonardo Caproni, a researcher at the Sant'Anna School, receives the Gruppo 2003 Young Researchers Award for the subject area "Agriculture". The motivations for the awards
31.10.2023 Content type: news From health management to supporting street children: delegation from Sant'Anna School to Ethiopia for institutional meetings and practical activities. The visit is part of the strategic project "Africa Connect": stops and meetings
30.10.2023 Content type: news The Seasonal School WAT-CHANGE has concluded: students from around the world in Pisa for intensive course on combating climate change with nature-based solutions
30.10.2023 Content type: news Research Exchange 2023: the Sant'Anna School participated in the initiative created to encourage contact between the world of university research with startups, companies, incubators and investors