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Energy and resource efficiency (ERE)

SuM - ere

ERE (Energy and Resource Efficiency) research area aims to support private and public partners in facing challenges related to the transition to renewable energy sources and to energy and resource efficiency.


ERE research group analyzes and supports decisional processes of enterprises, consumers and public bodies in the context of transition processes for the implementation of efficient management of resources and renewable energy. In addition, ERE evaluates effectiveness of tools (certifications, labels, norms, management systems, etc.) aimed to support efficient resources and energy use through the identification, definition and implementation of management and technological solutions for a progressive decarbonization.

Research methodology

ERE uses quali-quantitative research methodologies (questionnaire surveys, field experiments, case studies etc.). In particular, its research design applies social sciences theories and methods to technical-engineering projects.

Projects and partners

ERE is partner in several regional, national and European projects, for instance, in cooperation projects such as GEMEX and LEAP-RE. They involve a European-Mexican partnership (Gemex) and a European-African partnership (LEAP-RE) which aim at promoting the use of renewable energy sources, through the support of technological development and the development of stakeholders’ engagement strategies. In addition, ERE is involved in AFRICAMAVAL (Horizon Europe) project, aiming to develop an EU-Africa partnership ensuring a responsible sourcing of raw materials, and in CORALIS (H2020) project, focused on industrial symbiosis as a means to reduce environmental impact, climate-altering emissions and production costs at the same time.

ERE research area is a member of EERA international network as well, participating in Joint Programmes “Geotermal Energy” and “Economic, Environmental and Social Impacts of the Energy Transition - e3s”, focused on environmental and socio-economic impacts of geothermal energy use and on energy transition. In particular, in the context of the “e3s” Joint Programme, ERE research activity is focused on consumers/citizens and enterprises and their contribution to energy transition process.


ERE supports the implementation of stakeholders’ engagement strategies aimed to establish a positive environmental, social and economic impact from the efficient use of energy and resources.

In addition, ERE regularly participates in national and international events and workshops with private and public partners, disseminating the results of its research activities.