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Jean Monnet Module - The EU’s Responses to the Challenges of its Neighbourhood

  • Project category Altri programmi Europei
  • Lenght from 01.09.2014 to 31.08.2017
  • Lab/Research Area Istituto DIRPOLIS
  • Expected funding €22 485
  • Costo complessivo €29 980
  • Quota partner €0
  • Scientific Directors Serena Giusti
  • SSSA involvement Partner
  • Sponsor Commissione Europea

European Commission
Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA)

Coordinator Serena Giusti

The module analyses the different crises the EU has to confront at its borders and the strategies on non-strategies concocted to respond to them. These crises are very different as for the causes, the progress and possible outcomes. As a result, the EU while shaping an overall vision on the restructuring of the pan-European space needs to consider the diversity of the countries and the regions part of that space. The module aims at providing students with instruments for a critical assessing of the EU successes/failures in its external projection. In particular the module is considering the European Neighborhood Policy and its two ramifications: the Union for the Mediterranean and the Eastern Partnership. Peculiarities of regions and cross regions differences will be widely debated. Students are expected to compare and contrast the variety of ways that ENP countries have chosen to shape their political institutions and processes with particular attention to democratization and Europeanization.

Besides traditional courses, seminars and other activities will be organized. Students and researchers are invited to publish or topics related to the module. We welcome and appreciate any other proposals.


Call for Papers: Overlapping Easts: from shared  Neighbourhoods to Globalised Borderlands and Rethinking Revolution: 1917-2017.


Serena Giusti and Leila Simona Talani’ (King’s College) Special Issue of the Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies dedicated to the topic: Women in the Mediterranean, is just out. It includes articles by Serena Giusti (“Gender Mainstreaming towards the Mediterranean: the Case of the ENP”,; Anna Loretoni and Alessia Belli (“Gender, Identity and Belonging: New Citizenships beyond Orientalism”, and by Barbara Henry (“Islamic Feminism(s) in the Mediterranean Area: A Hermeneutical Approach”,


Serena Giusti presented (21/03/17) the paper “The EU-Russia Relations: Is There a Way Out?”, Jean Monnet Centre for Europe in the World, School of Diplomacy, King’s College, London,


Kamran Ismayilov presented a paper, the “EU and Russia in the contested South Caucasus”, at the conference “A divided continent in search of a common language?”, jointly organised by University of Tartu, University College London, Konrad Adenauer, and Platform Ukraine, Tartu, Estonia. (7-8 April 2017).


Carolina de Stefano presented the paper ‘Russia’s birth and survival: revolutionary legacies and federal negotiations 1989-1991’ at the Second Annual Tartu Conference on Russian and East European Studies, University of Tartu, Estonia (4-6 June 2017).


Luigi Cino and Kamran Ismayilov are to attend the European Neighbourhood Policy PhD Summer School, “In Search of Resilience in the EU and its Neighbourhoods: Reconciling Democracy and Security?” at the College of Europe’s Natolin, Warsaw, (


Luigi Cino presented (with Cristian Barbieri) a paper on "The EUGS’s Implementation Plan on Security and Defence: The Concept of Resilience vis-à-vis the conflicts of Kosovo and Western Sahara" at the International Conferences "Interconnectivity and EU's Foreign Policy Making", National School of Political Studies and Public Administration (Bucharest, 9-10 May 2017).


Luigi Cino has been awarded with a research and mobility grant entitled to the Charles V Prize 2016 Sofia Corradi, granted by the European Academy of Yuste ( for his paper "Tunisia's Political Transformation and the Role of the EU after the Revolution". He has also been selected to participate in the Jean Monnet Doctoral Workshop at the Centre d'Etudes Juridiques Europeens of the University of Geneva (6-7 July 2017) on "The EU as a Global Actor".



The Research Group on Eastern Europe, Russia and Eurasia (Res/East) with the support of the Jean Monnet Module “The EU’s responses to the challenges of its Neighbourhood” has organised a seminar on September 26, 14.30 Aula 3 on the Duma elections 2016 results “Russian Duma elections…No News…What is New?”. Researchers from the Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies and University of Pisa will confront the topic from both a domestic and international perspective.


On February 3, 2016 a brainstorming meeting of the Research Group on Eastern Europe, Russia and Eurasia (Res/East),will take place at Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies, 10.00 (Aula 3), everyone is welcome…with a head full of ideas!


Please Save the date: On February 18, 2016 a Workshop titled “Beyond Europe: Threats, Challenges, Opportunities” will take place at Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies, 9.00- 18.00 (Aula 3), further information will follow.


In the occasion of the opening of Palazzo Vernagalli, February 1, 2016 16.00 ( a theatre performance dedicated to the Russian journalist Anna Politkovskaja will take place.


An agreement between the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna and the Jagiellonian University of Cracow has been reached within the Erasmus Plus Programme allowing mobility for both students and staff, starting from January 2016. For more info please contact:


On December 14, 2015 Dr Nicoletta Pirozzi, Senior fellow in the European Affairs area at the Institute of International Affairs, Rome will give a lecture on EU Crisis Management After Lisbon (Aula 8, at 3:00 p.m.).

Student Essay Competition on EU Global Strategy for Foreign and Security Policy "Why is the European Union's foreign and security policy important for your daily life?" Any university student at undergraduate (Bachelor) and graduate (Masters) level currently following a module/course offered by a Jean Monnet Chair or Jean Monnet Module-holder can participate in the competition. Professors will submit the selected essay to the EUGS team at by January 31, 2016. Please for further information contact:


"Theorizing the European Neighbourhood Policy"
Serena Giusti (Dirpolis) will present a paper “Russia’s Realist interpretation of the ENP” at the conference (based on a call for papers) "Theorizing the European Neighbourhood Policy" which will be held on September 16-18, 2015, at the Department of EU International Relations and Diplomacy Studies at the College of Europe, Bruges. The conference will discuss the European Neighbourhood Policy through the prism of EU external relations theory. Although the ENP has arguably become an important pillar of EU external action over the past decade, and despite the growing body of literature, theoretical approaches attempting to explain and/or predict this policy’s evolution and effects have so far not attracted much scholarly attention. The conference aims to contribute to the further development of EU external relations theory by explaining the origins, development and effectiveness of the ENP from various perspectives, as well as the role played by Russia and other global actors active in the EU’s neighbourhood. For Further information:


“Citizens Dialogues”
Nell’ambito dell’iniziativa “Citizens Dialogues”, promossa dalla Rappresentanza della Commissione Europea in Italia, il Centro Jean Monnet (CJM) dell’Università degli Studi di Trento, l’Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI) di Roma, il Research Project on International Politics and Conflict Resolution (CeRPIC) della Fondazione Bruno Kessler di Trento e l’Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso (OBC) di Rovereto, Serena Giusti (Dirpolis) sarà presente a Trento il 17 giugno per parlare del futuro delle relazioni UE-Russia.


“The Visegrad Chair at the University of Bologna”
Nell'ambito della conferenza Serena Giusti il 13 maggio terrà la Lecture: European Neighbourhood Policy and the Visegrad 4.


"Donne e cambiamento nel Mediterraneo: quale ruolo per la UE?"
Conferenza organizzata nell'ambito delle iniziative promosse per il Festival d'Europa 2015

6 maggio 2015, Firenze (Palagio di Parte Guelfa, Sala Brunnelleschi), ore 10.00-13.00

Il contributo muove da un'ampia esperienza nel campo degli studi di genere sviluppata all’interno della Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna a cui si aggiunge più recentemente un filone di ricerca che guarda al ruolo delle donne come fattore di cambiamento in diversi Paesi del Mediterraneo, in particolare dopo i sommovimenti che si sono dipanati nell’area dalla fine del 2010. Sono state proprio giovani ricercatrici dell'Istituto Dirpolis ad approfondire questi nuovi temi utilizzando strumenti innovativi di indagine e conducendo ricerche sul campo.

L’attenzione al potenziale femminile nell’area del Mediterraneo si innesta anche su un consolidato corpus di studi europei che si è indirizzato sempre più verso l’analisi dell’azione esterna della Ue rispetto al suo vicinato. L'Istituto Dirpolis, anche grazie all’attribuzione di un modulo Jean Monnet, ha organizzato un ciclo di seminari che toccano alcuni delle questioni qui proposte e hanno coinvolto esperti anche al di fuori della Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna. In questo contributo l'intenzione è quella di coniugare le diverse esperienze maturate nella Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna per offrire un’analisi di come la promozione dei diritti delle donne nei diversi ambiti della società possa costituire un motore di cambiamento e di modernizzazione dei Paesi della sponda Sud del Mediterraneo. In questa prospettiva, saranno valutate le politiche europee di vicinato mettendo in rilievo le strategie finora utilizzate con una prospettiva di genere e i limiti e le potenzialità di suddette strategie.


  • Barbara Henry (Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna), Introduzione e coordinamento
  • Serena Giusti (Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna), La politica di vicinato della Ue e la dimensione di genere
  • Leila Simona Talani, (King’s College, Londra), Globalizzazione, tecnologia e marginalizzazione sociale delle donne nel sud del Mediterraneo
  • Alessia Belli (Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna), Un altro genere di Tunisia? Voci femminili di dissenso da un paese che cambia
  • Giulia Daniele (Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna), Prospettive e strategie politiche alternative: il ruolo delle donne nella risoluzione del conflitto israelo-palestinese
  • Heidrun Friese, (Università TU Chemnitz), Limiti dell’Ospitalità. Politiche europee, mobilità, genere
  • Francesca Vietti (Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna), Donne migranti e vulnerabilità dal Chiapas a Lampedusa


"Eurasian Economic Union and the modern economic warfare"
23 aprile 2015, ore 17.00, Aula 7, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna

Nell'ambito delle attività del Jean Monnet Module "The EU’s responses to the challenges of its Neighbourhood", Irina Mirikina (Visby postdoctoral fellow - 
Department of Economics - School of Economics and Management
 - Lund University) discuterà di "Eurasian Economic Union and the modern economic warfare" insieme a Serena Giusti (Istituto Dirpolis).


Ciclo di incontri promossi da Serena Giusti (Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna) e Arturo Marzano (Università di Pisa) su Europa, Mediterraneo e Medio Oriente: sfide e prospettive

I Incontro: “L'attivismo politico delle donne e il conflitto israelo-palestinese: oltre l'attuale impasse?", Giulia Daniele (Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna) ne discute con Alberto Tonini (Università di Firenze), 11 dicembre, ore 18:00, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Aula 6.

II Incontro: “Le Primavere arabe nella prospettiva della economia politica globale”, Simona Leila Talani (King’s College, Londra) ne discute con Serena Giusti (Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna), 18 dicembre 2014, ore 17:00, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Aula 3.

III Incontro: “La Tunisia fra democrazia e estremismi: un caso a parte?”, Leila el Houssi (Università di Firenze) ne discute con Barbara Henry (Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna), 20 gennaio 2015, ore 17:00, Dipartimento di Civiltà e Forme del Sapere, Palazzo della Carità, Aula CAR 1.

IV Incontro: “Nord e sud del Mediterraneo: energia, sviluppo e relazioni politiche”, Elisabetta Bini (Università di Trieste) ne discute con Francesco Petrini (Università di Padova), 12 Febbraio 2015, ore 17:00, Dipartimento di Civiltà e Forme del Sapere, Palazzo della Carità, Aula CAR 1.

V Incontro: “L’Europa e le migrazioni, tra integrazioni ed esclusioni”, Francesca Vietti (Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna) ne discute con Stefano Gallo (Università di Pisa), 9 aprile 2015, ore 17:00, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Aula 3.


II Ciclo di Incontri promossi da Marinella Neri Gualdesi, Università di Pisa, e Serena Giusti, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, su Continuità e discontinuità dell’Italia nell’Unione Europea

I Incontro: 2 marzo 2015, ore 16.00 Aula 6 Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna. Conferenza dell’Onorevole Lia Quartapelle, Commissione Esteri della Camera, dal titolo "Il contributo dell’Italia alla politica estera europea".


An agreement between Scuola Sant’Anna and the Jagiellonian University of Cracow has been reached within the Erasmus Plus Programme allowing mobility for both students and staff, starting from January 2016. For more info please contact:

On December 14, Dr Nicoletta Pirozzi, Senior fellow in the European Affairs area at the Institute of International Affairs, Rome will give a lecture on EU Crisis Management After Lisbon, Aula 8, 15.00. 


Student Essay Competition on EU Global Strategy for Foreign and Security Policy "Why is the European Union's foreign and security policy important for your daily life?" Any university student at undergraduate (Bachelor) and graduate (Masters) level currently following a module/course offered by a Jean Monnet Chair or Jean Monnet Module-holder can participate in the competition. Professors will submit the selected essay to the EUGS team at by 31 January 2016. Please for further information contact:


Workshop: "Beyond Europe: Threats, Challenges, Opportunities", Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, 18 February 2016, 9.30 - Aula 3