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ARTIST - 5G/6G networks trAnsfoRming The dIgital SocieTy - edizione 22-23


Deadline for Registration - EXTENDED TO

April 26th, 2023


May 22nd-26th, 2023

Learning objectives

Future mobile network technologies (5G, 6G, etc.) will allow the creation of new applications that will transform the way people live, work and interact with the environment. The educational objectives of the proposed seasonal school are to understand and to learn:

- the architectures of 5G / 6G cellular systems with regard to the radio interface, the wired component and the software components such as virtualized entities, edge computing and AI-aided resource allocation;

- the main features of data traffic transport and routing technologies in 5G/6G networks, telemetry techniques and advanced traffic conditioning techniques;

- the emerging services that may be delivered by 5G/6G networks and how these networks are able to meet the stringent requirements that such services sometimes require;

- the impact of the aforementioned services on the sustainability of the planet and the global challenges of the 21st century.

The Seasonal School ARTIST has been designed to critically evaluate and elaborate on these new technologies to stimulate a focused examination of the many facets and challenges offered by 5G and future mobile network architectures.

Teaching methodologies

ARTIST is entirely delivered in English and will include a mix of front teaching and hands-on sessions. The in-class teaching consists of focus sessions on key topics, industrial talks, brainstorming and break out sessions. The hands-on part will take place through laboratory sessions organized over 4 afternoons. The final exam presentation of a brief project will take place on-line one week after the end of the School.

Who should attend this Seasonal School?

Main candidate for attendance are Master of Science (Laurea Magistrale) students in the area of Computer Science, Telecommunication Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Aerospace Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Automation Engineering. Postgraduate students and PhD students in the aforementioned disciplines interested in the Seasonal School topics are also welcome.

Coordinator and key teaching staff

Coordinators: Piero Castoldi, Luca Valcarenghi.
Key teaching staff: Andrea Sgambelluri, Nicola Sambo, A. Tenucci, M. Gagliardi, Francesco Paolucci, Filippo Cugini, Davide Scano, Alessandro Pacini, Emilio Paolini, J. Borromeo

With the support of

Braine project