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Erasmus Traineeship 'Talent at work' - new call

The 'Talent at Work' call offers mobility grants for traineeship activities in companies, training centres, research centres, universities and other organisations in Europe and Partner Countries

The "Talent at Work" call by the Erasmus Mobility Consortium (Scuola IMT, Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Scuola Normale Superiore) is now open!
The call offers mobility grants for traineeship activities in companies, training centres, research centres, universities and other organisations in Europe and Partner Countries.

Deadline for applications 15 March 2023.

You can apply online at the following link: APPLICATION FORM

Rankings will be available by March 27, 2023. Candidates will be noticed via email receiving all the information for the grant acceptation.
All details and information can be found in the attached call.

Who can participate

Students of the Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna enrolled in:

  • Honors Courses
  • PhD courses
  • Master Diplomas

Students of the Scuola Normale Superiore and Scuola IMT Alti Studi Lucca.


European Union countries and partner countries (see list and special conditions detailed in the call).


Mobility can start from 27 February 2023 and must end by 31 July 2024

Duration of the traineeship

Long Mobility :Minimum two months (60 full days) and maximum twelve months (360 days).
Short term mobility: minimum 5 days, maximum 30 days (In case of Bachelor, Master Degree and Master’s Diplomas students, an unfunded virtual component of the mobility will be mandatory).

What's the new in the call

  • Students can apply for up to 2 mobility periods (for a maximum total request of 12 months)
  • Short-term physical mobility (In case of Bachelor, Master Degree and Master’s Diplomas students, an unfunded virtual component of the mobility will be mandatory.)
  • Blended Mobility
  • Grants for green travel
  • Increase in grants for students with fewer opportunities (ISEE)
  • Mobility in Partner Countries


Infoday Erasmus+ Mobility Consortium Talent at Work - Traineeship Mobility
On Wednesday, 8 March at 18:00 in Aula 3 at the Headquarters of the Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, an Infoday will be held to illustrate all the news and provide information on the new Erasmus+ Mobility Consortium call for traineeship mobility grants whose deadline is 15 March 2023.

It will be possible to follow and participate also online through the Webex link, write to to receive the link to the meeting.