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  • Istituto DIRPOLIS
  • Workshop

Migration Data Governance

Migration Data Governance
Date From 20.10.2022 time
End Date To 21.10.2022 time


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'Migration Data Governance' is the new workshop organized by Dirpolis Institute, Sant'Anna School. The workshop will be held on 20 and 21 October at the headquarter of the Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna (Aula Magna and Aula 3). 
Hybrid conference in presence and via Webex (link, pw: migration). All details in the attached programme.


Data have progressively become a crucial instrument in the governance of mobility, and of migration in particular. Extensive and pervasive data collection on migrants’ identities, trajectories, statuses, legal and criminal records are depicted as a technocratic response to the call for greater transparency, accountability, evidence-based, unbiased governance of migration. As a result, increasingly sophisticated assemblages of human and digital technologies are deployed across borderlands and migration routes by a plethora of institutions transnationally entangled, including international organization, law enforcement agencies, and humanitarian actors.
Enumerators, sensors, cameras and drones to patrol frontier areas and biometric border checkpoints are only a few examples of data collection activities in the migration
governance. Data-driven technological devices can perform several tasks in this sense, including identity checks at the frontiers or timely detections of irregular cross-border


  • Francesca Biondi -
  • Mirko Forti -
  • Luca Raineri -