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  • Istituto di Economia
  • Seminario

House Price Cycles, Wealth Inequality and Portfolio Reshuffling

Date From 04.04.2023 time
End Date To 04.04.2023 time

Piazza Martiri della Libertà, 33 , 56127 Italy

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The Institute of Economics will hold the next meeting of its Seminar Series on Tuesday, April 4, 2023: Clara Martinez-Toledano, from the Imperial College London, will present the paper "House Price Cycles, Wealth Inequality and Portfolio Reshuffling".


This paper studies the determinants of wealth inequality during housing booms and busts. The author examines two episodes over the last four decades in Spain by combining fiscal data with household surveys and national accounts. The author finds that heterogeneity in capital gains is the main driver behind the fall in wealth inequality during housing booms, while heterogeneity in saving rates and portfolio choices are the main explanatory forces of the rise in wealth concentration during housing busts. Top wealth holders are better at timing the market and reshuffling their portfolios, as they appear to be subject to less portfolio adjustment frictions.

The seminar will be held in Aula 6 (sede centrale). Online attendance is possible at this link.

The paper can be accessed here.