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Pisa Amyloid 2022. Innovations in cardiac amyloidosis. Pathophysiology, diagnosis and treatment

Pisa Amyloid 2022
Date From 30.06.2022 time
End Date To 01.07.2022 time


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Cardiac amyloidosis (CA) is caused by the accumulation of amyloid fibrils in the extracellular space of the myocardium, leading to clinical manifestations that include conduction disturbances and heart failure. CA was traditionally considered a rare disease with no effective therapies and a poor prognosis.The conference “Pisa Amyloid 2022. Innovations in cardiac amyloidosis. Pathophysiology, diagnosis and treatment” is promoted by the Sant'Anna School and the Fondazione Monasterio, with the support of the Fondazione Menarini.

Organizers: Michele Emdin, Claudio Passino, Claudio Rapezzi, Giuseppe Vergaro.

In recent years, more options for non-invasive diagnosis and greater disease awareness have led to the identification of a growing number of cases, challenging the notion of CA as a rare disorder. The ability to recognize and manage patients with CA should become part of the core curriculum of Cardiologists as well as Internal Medicine specialists, General Practitioners, Neurologists, Nephrologists and Hematologists. The Pisa Amyloid 2022 meeting will gather international experts in CA to the city of the leaning tower, will represent a unique opportunity to learn about CA for all audiences, as it will span from basic knowledge to the forefront of scientific research.

The program is available in the attachment.

The registration link is available HERE.

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