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Jump - Joint Universities prograM for Poc

Jump is a program for the enhancement of patents through the financing of "proof of concept" projects, proposed by the Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, the Scuola Normale Superiore and the University of Palermo.

With the JUMP programme, the partners set themselves the basic objective of trying to exploit some of the most innovative and promising patented technologies, but at the same time more immature from the point of view of development, intervening to stimulate research groups on the one hand because commit their skills to the advancement of technology, on the other hand external parties to invest in industrial development.

The projects that will receive funding will be selected following an internal evaluation of proposals, which must be presented by the teaching and research staff involved in the patent procedures, according to the call published by the three promoters.

For further information and requests for clarification, contact the U.O. Research enhancement


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