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Hello, Namaste, Ciao! Welcome to my webpage.

After earning Ph.D from the Department of Physics, IIT Bombay, India, in 2021, I moved to the Biorobotics Institute at Sant'Anna, Pisa, Italy, for a postdoctoral fellowship in 2022. During my doctoral thesis, I extensively worked on self-propelled artificial swimmers known as camphor rotors. These centi-metre-sized self-moving particles interested me in the active matter at small scales. Currently, at the Microscale Robotics laboratory, I am exploring micron-sized particles from the microscope's lens. I am keen to know the self-organization of Janus colloids in the microchambers and the effect of the curved micro confinement on their dynamics. I am using Microfabrication techniques for the experiments and Active Brownian particle simulations in Julia to answer this question.

This work is a part of the CELLOIDS: Cell-inspired particle-based intelligent microrobots project. 


If you are interested in having a chat, I can be contacted at 




1) "Stationary And Libration Motion In Two Coupled Rotors: Theoretical and
Experimental Study" Monish B, Abhishek Thakur, Ratan Sarkar, Jyoti Sharma, Ishant Tiwari, Suresh Kumarasamy, Sangeeta D. Gadre, P. Parmananda, and Awadhesh Prasad (under review)

2) “Simulations Active Brownian Particles v1.0” Jyoti Sharma,  Lapo Corti, Stefano Palagi, Code, DOI:

3) “In-phase and mixed-phase synchronization of camphor rotors” Rishabh Jain, Jyoti Sharma, Ishant Tiwari, Sangeeta D. Gadre, Suresh Kumarasamy, P. Parmananda and Awadhesh Prasad

4) “Generation of aperiodic motion due to sporadic collision of camphor ribbons” Rishabh Jain, Jyoti Sharma, Ishant Tiwari, Sangeeta D. Gadre, Suresh Kumarasamy, P. Parmananda and Awadhesh Prasad Phys. Rev. E 106, 024201 (2022)

5) “Aperiodic bursting dynamics of active rotors” Jyoti Sharma*, Ishant Tiwari, M. Rivera and P. Parmananda Phys. Rev. E 105, 014216 (2022)

6) “Chimera like states in a minimal network of active camphor ribbons” Jyoti Sharma*, Ishant Tiwari, Dibyendu Das and P. Parmananda Phys. Rev. E 103, 012214 (2021)

7) “Rotational synchronization of camphor ribbons in different geometries” Jyoti Sharma*, Ishant Tiwari, Dibyendu Das, P. Parmananda and Veronique Pimienta, Phys. Rev. E 101, 052202 (2020)

8) “Rotational synchronization of camphor ribbons” Jyoti Sharma*, Ishant Tiwari, Dibyendu Das, P. Parmananda, V. S. Akella, and Veronique Pimienta, Phys. Rev. E 99, 012204 (2019)


Please check Google Scholar Jyoti for my research publication updates.

* corresponding author


  • Contributed talk, 38th ECIS congress, Copenhagen, Denmark (2024)
  • Contributed talk, SSSA (BRI) - IIT Meet 2024, Pontedera, Italy (2024)
  • Contributed talk and poster, APS March Meeting 2024, Minneapolis, USA (2024)
  • Contributed talk, Active Polymers and Filaments: Organization and Dynamics, Leiden, The Netherlands (2024)
  • Poster presentation, PHYMOT2023, Wurzburg, Germany (2023)
  • Poster presentation, AMSCE2023, Dresden, Germany (2023)
  • Poster presentation, Interchall2023, Roma, Italy (2023)
  • Contributed oral presentation, CMD29 (Hybrid), Division: Emergent Phenomenon in Driven Soft, Active and Biological Matter,  Manchester, UK (2022)
  • Contributed oral presentation, ICSTCF (Online), University of Guanajuato, Mexico (2021)
  • Oral presentation, e-SMYIM (online), India (2021)
  • Poster cum snapshot presentation, SYMPHY, IIT Bombay, India (2020)
  • Poster cum snapshot presentation, CDSA, Central University, Rajasthan, India (2020) 
  • Oral presentation, SYMPHY, IIT Bombay, India (2019)
  • Poster presentation, CNSD, IIT Kanpur, India (2019)            
  • Poster presentation, CNSD, JNU, New Delhi,  India (2018) 
  • Poster cum snapshot presentation, ICTP, Trieste, Italy (2018)
  • Poster presentation, CDSA, IIT Guwahati, India (2017) 


1) Organized a Yoga session in the Biorobotics Institute on International Yoga Day, 21st Jube 2024.

2) Presentation in Biorobotics Institute and IIT Pontedera biannual meeting held at Piaggio Museum in Potedera on 20 June 2024. I gave a 15-minute presentation showcasing the advancement of our CELLOID project.

3) Participated in the American Physical Society March meeting 2024 held in Minneapolis, USA. I got the opportunity to present my work in Self-assembly and self-organization of out-of-equilibrium systems and a poster on the CELLOIDS project.

4) Presented our work on " Celloids- Towards cell inspired autonomous microbots" in Active Polymers and Filaments: Organization and Dynamics held at The Lorentz centre, Leiden, The Netherlands from 5 - 9 February 2024

5) Attended and presented a poster in Physics of Microbial Motility (PHYMOT) 2023 held from October 4 to 6 at the University of Wurzburg, Germany

6) A paper on "In-phase and mixed-phase synchronization of camphor rotors" was accepted in Phys. Rev. E on  3 August 2023

7) Published Github code repository on Zenodo on 28 July 2023

8) Presented poster in AMSCE 2023 held from 19 June 2023 to 23 June 2023 in MPIPKS, Dresden, Germany

9) Presented poster in Interchall 2023 held from 17 April 2023 to 22 April 2023 in Roma, Italy

10) Joined Microscale Robotics lab on 1 Aug 2022 (remote) and 19 Sept 2022 (in person)