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Webinar: How much capital is enough?

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Evaluating the credit standing of banks in different markets: what do we know post financial crisis?

Bureau Van Dijk offers a free webinar on Thursday, March 16, at 4 pm held by Claude-Vincent Gillard and Sarah de Quant.

This webinar will discuss:

  • The challenges and solutions sought by banks that are most in need of capital. The discussion will range from banks in Italy and other parts of Southern Europe, China and India as well as banks operating in emerging markets
  • The causes and effects of these different capital crises, showing which financial and market indicators are most effective in identifying and quantifying the key issues
  • For comparison, speakers will also contrast these situations to US and European banks that have successfully rebounded from the ’dark days of the financial crisis’ when they required government bail-outs
  • They will look at financial indicators that showcase management actions and discuss whether the high levels of total loss absorbing capital should give us comfort or concern. Might these strong figures possibly weaken the political will that drove these reforms?
  • In conclusion, a summary of the analytic frameworks and tools that will help participants to make their own assessment.

Webinar will last about 45 minutes, register here to attend it.