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Zanichelli online dictionaries freely available for one month

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We’ve got a trial for the Ubidictionary platform (online dictionaries by renowned publishers), from July 4th
until August 4th.

Through the platform (you need to be connected through the School network) you can access these

  • Il Ragazzini 2016 IT-EN / EN-IT
  • Il dizionario di Cinese IT-ZH / ZH-IT
  • Il Boch IT-FR / FR-IT
  • Il Nuovo dizionario di Tedesco IT-DE / DE-IT
  • Il grande dizionario di spagnolo IT-ES / ES-IT
  • Medicine & Biology IT/EN

On the right-hand side of the main screen, you can freely register to get the advanced features offered by
Ubidictionary: online translation box, a lexicon area, social-collaborative environment for sharing knowhow
in your work community.

Your feedback will be welcome.