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  • Istituto di Produzioni Vegetali

Level I University Master's Degree "Italian Wines and World Markets": ended the classroom teaching of the 9th edition with more than 50 lecturers including academics & professionals, committed to train future experts in the viticulture-enology sector

Kicking off now are the 450-hour corporate internships to conclude the training that will enable female students to acquire a specific professional skill, increasingly in demand in the marketplace
Publication date: 20.06.2024
classe XI master vini sant'Anna
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The frontal, classroom-based teaching of the 9th edition of the Level I University Master's Degree "Italian Wines and World Markets", jointly organized by the Sant'Anna School, the University of Pisa, the University for Foreigners of Siena and the University of Siena, in collaboration with the Italian Sommelier Association, has just ended.

The last lecture was given by Leonardo Taddei (Italian Sommelier Association) and the director of the Master's program, Pietro Tonutti, full professor of General Arboriculture and Tree Crops at the Institute of Plant Production of the Sant'Anna School, recently appointed director of the Institute, who emphasized that this ninth edition, attended by 21 students, has also achieved the qualitative results set, from the point of view of classroom teaching. Now begin the 450-hour company internships to conclude the training that will enable participants to acquire specific professionalism in the viticulture and oenology sector.

More than 50 highly qualified lecturers, both academics and professionals in the viticulture-wine sector, have alternated in the three different didactic modules and the three levels of the Italian Sommelier Association course, the latest of which is integrated in the didactic program, to train professionals with knowledge of the viticulture-wine sector both in terms of production and marketing, marketing, communication, promotion, wine-tourism and the features of the different world markets.

The tenth edition (for the academic year 2024/25) is on the springboard and the call for pre-registration will be published and accessible by the end of June on the website of the Sant'Anna School in the section dedicated to University Master's degrees: (Only Italian Language). 

Cover photo: the classroom of the 9th edition of the Level I University Master's Degree "Italian Wines and World Markets".