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Master's Degree in International Security: presentation on Tuesday, May 24th , and 2 workshops on the risks of “field research” and “foreign fighters”

Publication date: 15.05.2016
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The workshops on May 24th will focus on risks and responsibilities of academic research in crisis areas around the world, thinking about Giulio Regeni, and undertake a review of the "foreign fighters" problem - Western European militants fighting overseas in militia ranks that use terrorist techniques in unconventional warfare, such as in Syria. Many academics and journalists, who do have a common denominator sharing the same interest in political science and international relations, will participate in the seminars on May 24th at Sant'Anna School for Advanced Studies of Pisa. In addition, the presentation of the new master's degree in international security, promoted by Sant'Anna Institute Dirpolis (Law, Politics and Development) with the University of Trento. The course, with 25 places available, will train young professionals capable of monitoring the risks in the field of international protection, migration as a security threat, and new security issues such as energy security, environment protection and economic security.

Fall semester classes begin on September 20th and will be taught in English.

The first seminar on Tuesday, May 24th (time 9:00 am - aula magna) is addressing the issue of academic research in high-risk areas, in terms of security of the researchers and the responsibilities of universities in conflict zones. The meeting is sponsored by the Institute Dirpolis (Law, Politics and Development) of Sant'Anna School and doctoral students of PhD programs in political science, to support Amnesty Italy campaign "Truth for Giulio Regeni". Welcome speech will be given by professor Yves Mény (President of Sant'Anna School) at the opening of the meeting which will be moderated by professor Pietro Tonutti (pro-rector for international relations of Sant'Anna School) with Mario Enrico Pe (director of Sant'Anna Institute of Life Sciences). Speakers include: Andrea de Guttry, director of Dirpolis Institute (Law, Politics and Development); Francesco Strazzari (professor of political science at Sant'Anna School), Marina Calculli (professor of political science at George Washington University) and Gaetana Morgante (professor of criminal law at Sant'Anna School).

Click here for detailed agenda.

 The second seminar on Tuesday, May 24th (time 4 pm – aula magna storica) is dedicated to  the launch of the book "Foreign Fighters under International Law and Beyond" edited by professor Andrea de Guttry with researchers Francesca Capone (Sant'Anna School for Advanced Studies of Pisa) and Christophe Paulussen (Asser Institute, Netherlands). The volume contains 25 contributions from academics and experts, and provides analysis and unprecedented views of the problems and challenges that the "foreign fighters" phenomenon poses to EU Member States and international community, with a preface by Gilles de Kerchove, the EU counter-terrorism coordinator. Particular attention is paid to the consequences of this phenomenon, in the light of the conflicts in Syria and Iraq. The introduction is by Christophe Paulussen (Asser Institute). Speakers include: professor Natalino Ronzitti (Luiss Guido Carli, Rome); journalist Marina Sapia (RaiNews24); Roberta Barberini (Deputy Attorney General, District of Rome Court of Appeal

Click here for detailed agenda.