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Sant’Anna School Higher Education Graduate Placement: Almalaurea Consortium announces release of Annual Placement Report, 20th edition

Publication date: 03.06.2018
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The report assessed the career paths and educational pursuits of 121 graduated students from 2017. 40 per cent of graduates had found full-time position. The report also calculates an overall employment rate. Of all employed graduates (full-time, part-time or temporary employment), the overall employment rate for all graduates was 82.1 per cent (61.1 per cent full-time job 5 years after graduation; 20 per cent part-time or temporary employment – see Tables below). The median monthly starting salary for graduates in fulltime employment was 2.083 Euro. 5 years after graduation, the median monthly salary for graduates in fulltime employment is 2.719 Euro.

Overall satisfaction with Sant’Anna School courses as measured by the survey stays at an elevated level, with 70 per cent of graduates expressing satisfaction with their educational programs. 61.1 per cent of graduates work in the private sector. 38.9 per cent of graduates work in the public sector.

63 per cent of graduates come from Italian regions outside Tuscany. 98.1 per cent of graduates possess a high school diploma (liceo classico, scientifico, linguistico).