Sustainability: scheduled for Monday, October 23 and Tuesday, October 24, is the workshop "Towards Just Transitions: Carbon Budget, Sustainability, And Social Tipping Points"
The event is held as part of the PRO3 project and is organized by Sant'Anna School, Scuola Normale and IUSS Pavia
From October 23 to 24, the Workshop ‘Towards Just Transitions: Carbon Budget, Sustainability, And Social Tipping Points’, a partnership from Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies, Scuola Normale Superiore and IUSS Pavia will take place at the Sant’Anna School and Scuola Normale. The event is part of the PRO3 Project ‘Theories and Toolkit for the Ecological Transition: Philosophical, Mathematical, Ethical and Legal Profiles of the Carbon Budget Sustainability Challenge’, coordinated by Alberto Pirni, professor at Sant’Anna School. At the occasion, the PRO3 Workshop will be dedicated to discussing the conception of ‘social tipping point’, that is, tipping points applied to the social context. The Event will count on influential scholars, such as Alessandro Tavoni (Bologna), Antoine Mandel (Paris 1), Valentina Jacometti (Insubria), and many Sant’Anna scholars from the Dirpolis Institute, Area Ethics and Global Challenges, such as Alberto Pirni, Diana Piroli and Laura Marcon.