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  • Istituto di Scienze della Vita

UnderSEA and Hyperbaric Medicine: June 16th, PRESENTING “ARIES”, FIRST TRAINING COURSE FOR PHYSICIANS specializing in anesthesiOLOGY and INTENSIVE CARE

Publication date: 13.06.2016
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Scheduled to start on June 16 in Pisa, the first training course in undersea and hyperbaric medicine for Italian physician specializing in anesthesiology, resuscitation and intensive care. The Institute of Life Sciences of Sant’Anna Schoool in collaboration with the IFC Institute of Clinical Physiology of CNR – Pisa officially announced the program’s launch on Thursday, June 16th at 9.00 am in Sant’Anna School aula magna storica.

The new training program consolidates the experience in research and training activities of the second level University Master "PierGiorgio Data", which for ten years has provided medical education for new generations of divers and hyperbaric physicians, and now setting up an advanced training program named "Aries". The course promoters ensure the compliance with ministerial legislation and technical standards, with the intent to build a network with the medical schools who join the initiative, without any financial burden. Meanwhile, some agreements have been signed with the University of Pisa, University of Chieti, the University of Marche, the "Sapienza" of Rome. Furthermore, an agreement with the Italian national society of anesthesia and resuscitation will provide students with a teaching module according to the most recent ministerial guidelines and procedures for anesthesiologists involved in hyperbaric therapy.

"For over ten years, the Master "PierGiorgio Data" has been dedicated to the advanced training of divers and hyperbaric physicians - said Vincenzo Lionetti, associate professor in anesthesia at Sant’Anna School and course director, - in fact, it represents one of the few internationally recognized schools in the field of offshore diving and specialized hyperbaric oxygen therapy. This master program academic success experience - continues Lionetti - creates the aspiration to extend our training to the physicians specializing in anesthesia, to have better-prepared physicians ready for any workplace or professional careers in Europe. To meet the challenge - concludes Lionetti - multidisciplinary skills are needed. But above all there is need for tutors and experienced teachers who perform the role of mentors, planning effective learning assessment and collaborations with medical schools interested in hyperbaric medicine programs ”.

"In Italy, we have very few hyperbaric treatment centers - said Remo Bedini, engineer and researcher of CNR IFC, who designed the new training program - and the specialty schools delivering postgraduate medical training have not activated dedicated courses to medical practice and research in underwater and hyperbaric medicine, necessary to comply with ministerial legislation and technical standards. So, we are working to offer the most advanced training program on hyperbaric medicine ".