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Young diplomats from Central Africa Republic in Pisa Sant’Anna School for training programs in partnership with Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation

Publication date: 05.02.2017
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The Central African Republic (CAR) is undergoing a transition involving development and economic recovery as well as sustainable growth, deep reforms and national reconciliation. A National Plan for Recovery and Peacebuilding aims to foster a number of key reforms and the country's infrastructure to the provision of essential services, such as health and education. Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies (Pisa) plays a positive role to delivering specialised training for diplomats working in sub-Sahara Africa.

Since December 2012, thousands of civilians have been killed and more than half a million refugees from Central African Republic have been trying to seek asylum in the nearest safe countries. The election of Faustin-Archange Touadéra in February 2016 has produced a changed political landscape and opened new perspectives for peace; Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies is relevant to the work of reconstruction and the training offered provides a great opportunity to further develop a model of peace education.

On February 5, six senior diplomats from the Central African Republic have travelled to Pisa Sant’Anna School where they are training on issues such as the protection and promotion of human rights and, through a "training of trainers" (ToT), the course aims to strengthen their skills in the analysis planning and to extend the impact of their work to future projects and generations.

Andrea de Guttry, professor of international law and director of the Institute Dirpolis (Law, Politics, Development) at Sant'Anna School, together with lecturers and international experts ensure diplomatic personnel is equipped with the skills and knowledge they require to deliver successful programs in negotiation, security and defence matters.

On 7 May 2017, in Yaounde (Cameroon), fifteen young diplomats of the CAR will be involved in two month training program designed in partnership with the “Institut des Relations Internationales du Cameroun” (IRIC) to “create a sense of common identity” and to create a platform for international cooperation. The training project represents a significant result demonstrating Sant’Anna School continued commitment and the recent visit to Bangui of Mario Giro, Italy’s Deputy Foreign Minister with International Cooperation portfolio, illustrates the determination to help the Central African Republic with stabilization, reconciliation and reconstruction process.

"This training initiative - said Professor Andrea de Guttry - wants to contribute to revitalization and development of the CAR diplomatic staff so that they can tackle today's challenges and can apply the knowledge acquired from the training programs". And, Andrea de Guttry said: "Sant'Anna School confirmed its active role, internationally recognized for more than 20 years of field activities and research in conflict areas of the world".

 "There can be no post-conflict reconstruction – said Mario Giro, deputy foreign minister - without institutional-human capacity building. Taking action through our pilot project, created and funded by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, we aim to contribute to the creation of a new government institution. The trilateral cooperation is based on added value, offering mutual benefits, in which neighbouring Cameroon, Italy and Sant'Anna School as a technical partner, and the 'Institute for International Relations of Cameroon (IRIC), play a crucial role as they provides principles, methods and strategies for developing a strong trilateral cooperation in peacekeeping and reconciliation in Central Africa ".