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public water supply: sant’anna school and ACQUE SPA offer training program for public sector professionals. applications are accepted by thursday, november 21

Publication date: 04.11.2019
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For the second year in a row, Sant’Anna School and Acque S.p.a. have developed the “Integrated Water Services” training course starting on November 29, 2019, for an integrated approach to the sustainable management of water resources. Under the supervision of Constitutional Law scholar Cristina Napoli, this program is designed for public sector professionals (mayors, local government representatives and councilors) working to establish new strategic water supply planning, water utility infrastructure management and environmental protection policy and practice. The course is 16 credits for lawyers and legal professionals. Architects are also eligible for continuing education credits as of November 29.  

“The “Integrated Water Services” have social, environmental and economic implications, said Cristina Napoli – The local government’s objectives establish strategic management and environmental protection tools for clean, healthy, safe and high quality water. We provide public decision makers the up-to-date knowledge and skills needed to propose sustainable policy, practice and legal solutions to implement a holistic approach for water utility infrastructure management. Advanced education and awareness programs for public utility regulators and managers is crucial for one of our society’s greatest challenges. As we face climate change and flood risk, improvements to governance, existing legislation and evaluation systems are needed to accelerate successful water quality management based on sustainable aquatic ecosystems. Preventive approaches and management activities will be integrated for implementing the EU Water Framework Directive requiring the full cost recovery of water services, including the environmental costs in water pricing on the basis of the polluter-pays principle”.

Click here to submit your application by November 21, 2019.