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  • Deadline for application submission 03.06.2020 - 13:00

Deadline for application submission: June 3, 2020 (13:00 CEST)
Title evaluation: June 17, 2020
Interviews: June 24 and 25, 2020


The PhD in BioRobotics is a full-time mandatory attendance three-year programme and is equivalent to a research doctoral programme pursuant to Italian Law no. 41 of 14 February 1987. In line with the standards of excellence pursued by the School, the Programme represents a three-year training path aimed at research activity into the themes of biomedical microengineering, biomimetic robotics, rehabilitation and assistance technologies, computer-aided surgery technologies and service robotics. A distinctive characteristic of the PhD in BioRobotics is that it trains PhD students, encouraging them and guiding them to pursue great scientific and technological challenges according to the concepts of “science-based engineering”. The PhD students will be educated and trained on modern engineering and will be able to devise and design extremely revolutionary, high quality and highly technological machines, systems and services with superior performance and of interest in terms of scientific knowledge and application, including in industry. The solutions devised by PhD students focus on human beings and Companies, according to principles of technological, environmental, social, ethical and economic sustainability.

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Number of positions available

Positions available: n. 22

  • 12 with scholarship funded by the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna;
  • 7 with scholarship funded by the Center for Micro-BioRobotics of the Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia. These seven scholarships will be reserved to applicants submitting Research Projects in the field of soft-bio inspired robotics and smart materials (;
  • 1 with scholarship funded by the Excellence Department in Robotics & AI. This scholarship will be reserved to applicants submitting Research Projects in the field of Robotics and Artificial Intelligence; it proposes to develop a new generation of connected robots that, by integrating the most recent developments in the Artificail Intelligence (AI) and Materials Science (MS) fields, can provide robots with augmented cognitive, sensorimotor, and physical capabilities. Both disciplines have reached recently a maturity, both scientific and technological, capable of inducing a rapid acceleration in the development of new robotic systems and technologies. In particular, in the AI field the results obtained by integrating computer based on parallel computation, IoT techniques, machine learning, deep learning, and reinforcement learning algorithms, can produce new cognitive capabilities in autonomous robots with a quality that is much better than the one of the current generation. Similarly, material physics/chemistry/technology has reached a maturity and a variety of solutions to allow the development of new sensors and actuators specialized and miniaturized, and also the development of multifunctional parts of machines and robots. Both disciplines, represent can be leveraged for the development of innovative robots for applications in the life science, industry 4.0, and cyber security;
  • 2 with scholarship co-funded by the Excellence Department in Robotics & AI and by The BioRobotics Institute. These scholarships will be reserved to applicants submitting Research Projects in the field of Robotics and Artificial Intelligence.

The number of positions with scholarship may be increased if further funding becomes available, including funding originating from specific agreements pursuant to article 11 of Italian Ministerial Decree 45/2013 (Industrial PhD) or from apprenticeship contracts, pursuant to article 11 of Italian Ministerial Decree 45/2013 and article 5 of Italian Legislative Decree 167/2011 (High-level Apprenticeship PhD).

Additional positions could be also funded with research fellowships if new funds will be added.

More information in attachments.

Contact: Tel:  +39.050.883.136 - + 39. 050.883.420 - +39.050.883.528