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New horizons in medicine and biology: on Friday, 24 January 2020, Silvano Gallus (Istituto Mario Negri, Milano) gives his lecture on Lifestyle Epidemiology at Sant’Anna School aula magna

Publication date: 16.01.2020
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Health-lifestyle interaction is the theme of the 2020 “New Horizons for Medicine and Biology” seminar series first meeting taking place on Friday, January 24 (at Sant’Anna School aula magna, 6.00 pm). Keynote speaker Silvano Gallus, from the Istituto Mario Negri - Milano, as the researcher leading the laboratory of Lifestyle Epidemiology will focus on the main preventable risk factors for tumors, cardiovascular diseases and other chronic diseases. In 2019, Silvano Gallus has been awarded the Ig Nobel prize in recognition of his research on the health benefits of authentic Italian pizza, to be eaten exclusively in Italy.

Professor Vincenzo Lionetti, anesthesiologist of the Life Sciences Institute, organized the 2020 “New Horizons for Medicine and Biology” seminar series consisting of five “lectio magistralis” from January through June 2020. Sant’Anna School academics have provided access to colleagues from all over the world to listen to scholars and scientists who had a major impact on medicine, biology and biotechnology research. This year, Professor Lionetti hosts Silvano Gallus, the IgNobel prize after John B. Gurdon, the Nobel Prize for physiology or medicine. The Ig Nobels honour scientists’ work that “first makes people laugh, and then makes them think”.

“In 2019, Sir John B. Gurdon from the University of Cambridge, as the winner of the Nobel prize in 2012, gave his lectio magistralis at Sant’Anna School.”– said Vincenzo Lionetti in the opening speech. “He received a PhD Honoris Causa in Translational Medicine from Sant’Anna School Rector Sabina Nuti. Eminent scholars and past lecturers included Adriano Aguzzi, Josep Brugada, Michele De Luca, Brunangelo Falini, Alberto Mantovani, Luigi Naldini, Giuseppe Remuzzi, Mario Rizzetto, Giacomo Rizzolatti, and Daniel G. Tenen. Today, we host Silvano Gallus talking on healthy lifestyle in Italy.”

“The 2020 “New Horizons for Medicine and Biology” seminar series offers methods to increase the rate of innovation in training activities – said Vincenzo Lionetti – We encourage medical students’ interactive participation to promote deep learning. We welcome students and academics from other institutions (always actively involved) and we are more than pleased to find that a growing number of students work with professors and peers taking a step forward into more prominent leadership roles.”