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Criminal defenses, international law and interlegality

Date 30.06.2020 time
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The third webinar organized by the Center for Interlegality Research (CIR) deals with the interaction between domestic criminal law and international law in the perspective of interegality. In particular, the subject of the debate is the recent decision of the Trapani GUP to apply the self-defense clause to two migrants who, with the threat of the use of force, opposed their repatriation to Libya by boat that had rescued them.

Sofia Milone, Ph.D. at the Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies, Maurizio Arcari, Full Professor of International Law at the University of Milano-Bicocca, and Alice Ollino, Researcher of International Law at the University of Milano-Bicocca, discuss, in English, this interesting topic.

More informations by Tleuzhan Zhunussova (