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More Europe to overcome the crisis

  • Project category Altri programmi Europei
  • Lenght from 01.09.2014 to 31.08.2017
  • Lab/Research Area Istituto DIRPOLIS
  • Expected funding €98 000
  • Costo complessivo €124 755
  • Quota partner €190 895
  • SSSA involvement Partner
  • Sponsor Commissione Europea

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Since 2008 Euroscepticism has risen, using false arguments. Academic knowledge on the EU should be used in the public debate, but universities do not reach out and EU teaching in high school have been limited. MoreEU aims at filling this gap, targeting 5 Euro-Plus capitals where the EU and the € are under eurosceptic attack. In fact with this Jean Monnet project the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna in Pisa (Italy) promotes an innovative Network to tackle this challenge. This Newtork includes the following institutions:

  • Notre Europe-Institute Jacques Delors from Paris (France) - Academic coordinator Director Yves Bertoncini
  • CEU San Pablo University from Madrid (Spain) - Academic coordinator Prof. José Maria Beneyto
  • University of Warsaw (Poland) - Academic coordinator Prof. Konstanty A. Wojtaszczyk
  • Nova Law School from Lisbon (Portugal) – Prof. Nuno Piçarra

An underlying concern of the network project is how to reach out to communicate the EU more effectively to confront Euroscepticism. With this aim the Network will promote debates with relevant stakeholder and will propose innovative formats of communication that were tested by the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna during past JM projects (EUGlobal, EUWay and EUrgencies@Dem). Each involved country will particularly host:

- a European Awareness Day (EAD: a new communication format experimented by the Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna in Italy in previous JM projects), including a public event involving a vast audience of young people (at least 500), a deliberative workshop with relevant stakeholders (at least 15 organizations);

- a seminar with public officials from relevant administrations to exchange best practices on EU communication;

- a yearly seminar/webinar for high school teachers (at least 30);

- an academic conference involving scholars from other universities and think tanks, and resulting in open access publications and in Policy Reports.

All Network’s activities will revolve around the question "What Europe is needed and how to get it?". Academic conferences will articulate this question into five specific themes, with the following schedule:

1. What kind and form of European solidarity to overcome the crisis? - Madrid, 11-12 June 2015 (Read the Call for Papers - extended deadline 25 February 2015)

2. What budget, resources, fiscal and borrowing powers for the EU and/or Eurozone? - Pisa, second half 2015

3. How to overcome the legitimacy and democratic deficit of the EU? - Warsaw, first half 2016

4. What form of democratic government for the EU? What kind of democracy is best suited for the EU? - Paris, second half 2016

5. What forms of differentiated integration? How to federalize the Eurozone while keeping the Single Market and the EU? - Lisbon, first half 2017

MoreEU activities will be supported by a clear strategy for dissemination and exploitation of results, aimed at strengthening its European dimension. An important part of this strategy will be represented by the production of the following deliverables :

- Project web page and Social Media profile (with YouTube Channel);
- A periodic Newsletter in English;
- Multi-Media materials;
- Policy Reports;
- Conference Papers;
- Syllabus and teaching material for a European Civic Education course;
- A European Civic Education (ECE) MOOC will be offered at the end of MoreEU activities.

The MoreEU Network project is coordinated by Professor Roberto Castaldi (eCampus University, affiliated at the Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna).
Dr. Francesco Pigozzo is the key project officer, in charge of the Communication team.
Dr. Tommaso Visone is project officer and member of the Communication team.
Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna - DIRPOLIS Institute academic staff involved in the project includes prof. Stefan Collignon, prof. Barbara Henry, prof. Anna Loretoni, prof. Giuseppe Martinico, and dr. Giacomo Delle Donne, Filippo Maria Giordano, and Claudia Morini.

Call for paper

  1. What budget, resources, fiscal and borrowing powers for the EU ? University of Florence – Polo di Scienze Sociali, Florence, 12-13 November 2015
  2. What kind and form of European solidarity to overcome the crisis? - Madrid, 11-12 June 2015 - extended deadline for participation: 25 February 2015
  3. EU Legitimacy in Time of Crisis: How to Overcome the Legitimacy and Democracy Deficit of the EU?, 20-21 june 2016
  4. The Federal Experience of the European Union. Past, Present and Future

Anno 2015

Anno 2016

ANNO 2017

Youtube Channel





Conferences Programme
