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  • Deadline for application submission 03.06.2021 - 23:59

Deadline for application submission: June, 3rd 2021, 23:59 p.m. (CEST)

Title evaluation: June 16th, 2021
Interviews: July 5th, 2021


The Ph.D. Programme in Emerging Digital Technologies is a full-time, mandatory attendance three-year programme with an interdisciplinary approach, which provides an exhaustive training path with structured teaching and supervised research activities with a view to producing an original thesis to discuss in a public examination.

In line with the standards of excellence pursued by the School, the objective of the programme is to train a professional figure able to successfully integrate in both national and international public and private research facilities and in companies manufacturing products or service providers operating in the field of communication, information, and perception technologies.

For further information:


Number of positions available

6 positions with scholarship, funded by Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna divided among the curricula as follows:

- curriculum Embedded Systems: at least 2 positions

- curriculum Photonic Technologies: at least 2 positions

- curriculum Perceptual Robotics: at least 2 positions

- n. 1 further position in the Photonic Technologies curriculum on the topic “Smart computing and communication at the edge (SMARTCOM)”. In collaboration with CNR-IEIIT (Pisa office) ( and with Sma-RTy Italia (

The joint Ph.D. Scholarship Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, CNR-IEIIT, Sma-RTy is part of a prestigious doctoral program that the CNR has established in collaboration with companies ( The SMARTCOM scholarship considers a long-term perspective where infrastructure and computing networks are redesigned to improve the responsiveness, energy efficiency and latency of interactive man-machine and machine-machine applications. The topic is connected to the current technological challenges in telecommunications and electronics, with a particular focus on Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies integrated at the level of communication infrastructure.


Nicola Andriolli (CNR-IEIIT)

Luca Maggiani (Sma-RTy)

Luca Valcarenghi (Sant'Anna)

- 2 MARIE CURIE FELLOWSHIP FOR EARLY-STAGE RESEARCHERS (ESRs) in the framework of the European MENTOR project. Deadline for application submission: June 18th 2021, 12.00 p.m.  (ITALIAN TIME): /it/formazione/marie-curie-early-stage-researchers-additional-positions

Furthermore, before the beginning of the Course, based on specific agreements following positions may be activated:

- positions dedicated to specific industrial research activities, in partnership with organisations and private companies;

- positions intended for apprenticeship contracts, pursuant to article 11 of Italian Ministerial Decree no. 45/2013 and article 5 of Italian Legislative Decree 167/2011 (High-level Apprenticeship PhD);

- positions reserved for employees of companies which perform research and development activities, pursuant to article 11 of Italian Ministerial Decree no. 45/2013 (Industrial PhD).

- positions reserved to foreign recipients of scholarship.

PhD positions mentioned above are reserved for eligible candidates under the provision of a grant or a scholarship, from a public or private sponsor, at least equal to the three years Sant’Anna scholarship (including canteen services, periods out of office and external research activities).

More information in attachments.


Tel:  +39.050.882.095