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Publication date: 12.07.2021
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Sant’Anna School, a special statue public university, postponed till July 28th the deadline for submission of applications for I Level Honours courses and single-cycle programmes. Those who will pass the nation test, placing between the 54 best students in Italy will have the chance to study for free at Sant’Anna School, an institution that has placed 7th in the world among the universities founded by less than 50 years ago.

News for the 1st phase of the call, preceded by a preselection, TOLC test (except for Med School, candidates can enroll and access to the call directly by taking the national admission test), provided by the Consortium Interuniversitario Sistemi Integrati per l'Accesso (CISIA). For July 26th, a new session of TOLC is envisaged. The School decided to activate it as a way to advantage those who decide to participate to the call at Sant’Anna. Enrolment for the new TOLC session will close on July 20th at 2pm, clicking HERE and selecting the preferred date.

According to the score obtained in the TOLC test, candidates can apply to be admitted to the written test according to the criteria listed in the call, and, according to the result, to the oral test, that will take place in Pisa by the end of August, beginning on the 26th and on September 2021, in accordance with the anti-Covid-19 regulations. To underline the special attention the School gives to the merite and social mobiliy, according to the 2021 University ISEEreimburse for travel and accomodation costs incurred by participants who will come to Pisa to take the tests will be granted.

Those who pass all the tests are admitted to the Sant’Anna School as honours students, for a double degree university programme. Students enrol and attend the degree/ master’s degree courses of the University of Pisa in one of the disciplinary fields offered by the Sant’Anna School (Economics, Law, Political Sciences, Engineering, Medicine, Agricultural Sciences and Biotechnology). At the same time, they follow an internal training program articulated in supplementary courses, language courses, experiences abroad and internships in national and international institutions and companies. At the end of the course, lasting between( three and six years depending on the chosen course), students receive get their degree at the University of Pisa and for those who have completed the internal regularhonours courses in compliance with the educational obligations, the School issues the first I or second II Level Diploma, for courses lasting 5 and 6 years, the latter with a value equivalent to a II level Master’s degree.

Studying at the School or Scuola Normale Superiore, is a unique opportunity in Italy, it means enhancing your university career in a collegial reality that focuses on students. The number of students who each year enter the School can benefit from a direct relationship between teachers and students, developing a fruitful cultural and interdisciplinary comparison, allowing each student to be assisted by a teacher tutor in the choice of training activities and extracurricular experiences.

Honours courses are a residential ones: students of the Sant'Anna School live on the a campus that offers the best conditions for both studying and personal growth: students are entitled to free board and lodging and have the opportunity to use numerous ad hoc services such as the canteen, the laundry, the library and the numerous study rooms, in compliance with the anti-Covid-19 rules.

All the info on the admission call to Sant’Anna School, for I Level and Single-cycle courses, are available at

The Sant’Anna School also provides 10 additional places for students interested in the second II Level Honours courses activated in agreement with the Universities of Pisa and TrentoBionics Engineering (in agreement with the University of Pisa); Molecular Biotechnology (in agreement with the University of Pisa); Economics (in agreement with the University of Pisa); Innovation Management (in agreement with the University of Trento); International Security Studies (in agreement with the University of Trento). Admission requirements and examination tests, in addition to admission to the master’s degree programme, change according to the degree programme.

All the info on the admission call to Sant’Anna School of Advaced Studies, for II Level courses, are available at: