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  • Istituto DIRPOLIS

European Copyright Society: Caterina Sganga, Associate Professor of Comparative Private Law at the Sant’Anna school, elected member of the most prestigious independent association of academics in the field of copyright and information society

Publication date: 08.06.2021
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New recognition of the prestige and international relevance of the research conducted at the Sant’Anna School, this time at the Dirpolis (Law, Politics, Development) Institute. Caterina Sganga, Associate Professor of Comparative Private Law and coordinator of the project “reCreating Europe” (“Rethinking Digital Copyright Law for a Culturally Diverse, Accessible, Creative Europe”), funded within the framework of the Horizon 2020 program of the European Commission, was elected member of the European Copyright Society (ECS), which is the most prestigious independent association of academics in the field of copyright and information society, composed of 25 professors representing various EU Member States. Caterina Sganga is the new member selected to represent Italy. ECS components are appointed by election when one or more members retire or resign.

The European Copyright Society drafts by majority influential and impactful opinions on EU legislative proposals, cases referred to the Court of Justice of the EU, public consultations launched by EU institutions, and organizes seminars and conferences on copyright law and policy with the aim of stimulating the debate between national and EU legislators and courts, academics and stakeholders.

“I am honored for the appointment. This represents – says Caterina Sganga - also a recognition of the great results which reCreating Europe achieved in the past 18 months, pandemic notwithstanding. The project aims at studying shortcomings and pitfalls in EU digital copyright law, and to issue policy recommendations and best practices directed to incentivize a diversified cultural and creative production, while laying down the conditions to ensure universal access to culture and creative products. I am glad to be offered another opportunity, as prestigious as the ECS, to offer my expertise as a tool to achieve public interest goals and the issuance of better and more balanced regulations in the field”.