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Publication date: 05.03.2019
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Elisa Foresi has joined the Institute of Management of the Sant’Anna School and EMbeDS as a Research Fellow.

Elisa has been part of the Management and Health Laboratory of the Sant’Anna School since 2017. Her main research area is the analysis and measurement of the performance of patients’ care networks. Previously, she worked as a consultant and process analyst at a small Italian company, acquiring expertise in e-health processes reengineering, analysis and identification of organizational solutions.

Elisa received a Ph.D. in Quantitative Methods for Economic Policy from the University of Macerata, where she applied Input-Output analysis to investigate the use of ICT in health care services, and its policy implications. Prior to her doctoral studies, she received a Master degree in Management (cum laude) from the Università Politecnica delle Marche, where she wrote a thesis on economic evaluations in healthcare.

What are Elisa’s plans for this new chapter of her academic career, in connection with the objectives of EMbeDS? “I will study methods for the effective identification of care networks, using different sources of routinely collected health data.”