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POLITER - Innovation Pole on ICT and Robotics

  • Project category Altri progetti finanziati dalla regione Toscana
  • Lab/Research Area Area Valorizzazione della Ricerca
  • Project partner Polo di Navacchio Spa
  • Project partner Pont-Tech Scarl
  • Project partner Lucca Innovazione e Tecnologia Srl
  • Project partner Università di Pisa
  • Project partner CNR
  • Project partner Università di Siena
  • Project partner CSAVRI - Università di Firenze
  • Project partner PIN Scrl
  • SSSA involvement Partner
  • Website Polo di Innovazione - Politer
  • Sponsor Regione Toscana

The Innovation Poles project was granted by Regione Toscana with the aim to promote the creation of networks / infrastructures and support the companies located in the region to innovato and to interact with research organizations. The poles were created in 11 fields considered strategic for regional development .

The School was a partner of the Innovation Pole on ICT& Robotics.

In the project, the School played an active role in the animation of the cluster or companies active in the robotics sector. It contributed to map the technological and innovative needs in the companies which could be satisfied by tuscan universities.

He organized events in order to disseminate the scientific academic knowledge to local companies,