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Concorso in Integrated Graduate Program in International Studies and Transnational Governance

  • Deadline for application submission 16.02.2015

Students intending to enrol on the first year of the Master’s Degree in European and International Studies (MEIS) – taught entirely in English - must be in possession of:

  1. A three or four-year bachelor’s degree (180 credits) awarded in Italy, or other qualification recognised as equivalent awarded abroad, which includes the equivalent of at least 60 course credits from at least two of the following disciplinary areas: History and Philosophy, Economics, Law, Political science, Sociology or Foreign Languages;
  2. A good level of English;
  3. Basic knowledge of a second foreign language, other than italian, from among those offered at the University of Trento ((Arabic, Chinese, French, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, German);
  4. A personal background with suitable professional vocational and academic experience appropriate to the interdisciplinary nature of the degree course.