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AGRITECH - National Research Centre for Agricultural Technologies

The aim of the National Center is to promote adaptation to climate change, reduce the environmental impact in the agrifood sector, the development of marginal areas, and to guarantee safety, traceability and security of the supply chains
Crop Science

Logo Agritech

The National Center for the Development of New Technologies in Agriculture Agritech is based on the use of enabling technologies for the sustainable development of agri-food production, with the aim of promoting adaptation to climate change, reducing the environmental impact in the agrifood sector, the development of marginal areas, and to guarantee safety, traceability and security of the supply chains. The project is worth around 350 million euros, of which 320 million to be paid by the PNRR and involves 28 universities, 5 research centers, and 18 companies.

Five general research objectives for Agritech Center are addressed:

  • Resilience: Enhancing sustainable productivity and promoting resilience to climatic changes
  • Low impact: Reducing wastage and environmental impact
  • Circular: Development of circular economy strategies
  • Recovery: Sustainable development of marginal areas
  • Traceability: Promoting safety, traceability and typical traits in agri-food chains.


The Center is structured in Hub&Spoke, with the University of Naples Federico II responsible for the national hub and 9 different spokes in the thematic areas:

  1. Plant, animal and microbial genetic resources and adaptation to climatic changes
  2. Crop Health: a multidisciplinary system approach to reduce the use of agrochemicals
  3. Enabling technologies and sustainable strategies for the smart management of agricultural systems and their environmental impact
  4. Multifunctional and resilient agriculture and forestry systems for the mitigation of climate change risks
  5. Sustainable productivity and mitigation of environmental impact in livestock systems
  6. Management models to promote sustainability and resilience of agricultural systems
  7. Integrated models for the development of marginal areas to promote multifunctional production systems enhancing agroecological and socio-economic sustainability
  8. New models of circular economy in agriculture through waste valorization and recycling
  9. New technologies and methodologies for traceability, quality, safety, measurements and certifications to enhance the value and protect the typical traits in agri-food chains.


Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II



Fondazione “Centro Nazionale di Ricerca per le Tecnologie dell’Agricoltura - Agritech”



Spoke 1 "Plant, animal and microbial genetic resources and adaptation to climatic changes" - SSSA Principal Investigator: Prof.ssa Laura Ercoli


Institutes/Research Centers involed 

  • Crop Science Research Center
  • Center of Plant Sciences
  • Institute of Mechanical Intelligence
  • TeCIP Institute



36 months (1 September 2022 - 31 August 2025)


Budget SSSA

2.282.403,00 euro