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COSMIC: CSR Oriented Supply-chain Management to Improve Competitiveness

  • Project category Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme
  • Lenght from 01.11.2008 to 01.04.2010
  • Lab/Research Area SuM
  • Costo complessivo €6 000 000
  • Quota partner €110 000
  • Scientific Directors Marco Frey
  • Sponsor European Commission

The project, funded by the Enterprise & Industry, aims to analyze the relationship between CSR and competitiveness along the supply chain of textile/clothing sector, through the study of the role played by the demand (market and consumers), the supply chain sectors (innovation and dynamic efficiency, reputation and insurance system), and the public policies on the adoption of CSR instruments by the SMEs in the textile/apparel industry.


Sant'Anna School and other European partners