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Fostering Access to Immigrant’s Rights – Practical training for Lawyers and jUdgeS

  • Project category Altri programmi Europei
  • Lenght from 01.12.2018 to 01.12.2021
  • Lab/Research Area Dirpolis Institute
  • Expected funding €709 417
  • Costo complessivo €886 772
  • Quota partner €90 804
  • Project partner Immigrant Council of Ireland (ICI)
  • Project partner Greek Council for Refugees (GCR)
  • Project partner Forum for Human Rights (Czech Republic)
  • Principal investigator International Commission of Jurists (ICJ)
  • Scientific Directors Francesca Biondi
  • SSSA involvement Partner
  • Sponsor European Union - DG Justice 2014-2020

A project to contribute to better judicial protection of the fundamental rights of migrants across the EU, funded by the European Union’s Justice Programme (2014-2020).

The Dirpolis Institute of the Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna participated in the FAIR Plus - Fostering Access to Immigrant’s Rights – Practical training for Lawyers and jUdgeS, aims at better judicial protection of the fundamental rights of migrants across the EU.

The project starts from the awareness that migrants, including refugees, are amongst the groups most vulnerable to violations of their fundamental rights protection. They often face multiple vulnerabilities as they may also be victims of torture or trafficking, single parents, LGBTI, have a disability or be members of ethnic or religious minorities. Violations of migrants’ rights in EU countries are often attributable to judicial decision-making, or can be prevented by effective judicial review.

By the end of the project it is expected to have a more effective and coherent application of EU law in the area of fundamental rights. That should be achieved through several trainings that will increase the knowledge of at least 200 judges and other legal practitioners. Strengthened networks of judges, lawyers and other legal practitioners, will also be created, generating increased trust and information exchange among professionals and trainers within and between the target countries. In order to achieve these results, the following activities will be conducted: drafting of training materials and relevant legal briefings, training of the existing judicial trainers in the target countries, conducting four national trainings and two transnational seminars, and an international roundtable. All the results of the project, including a promotional video, will be presented in a final event to be held in Brussels in 2021.