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Healthcare Performance Intelligence Professional (HealthPros) - Marie Sklodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network

  • Project category Altri programmi Europei
  • Lab/Research Area Istitute of Management MeS
  • Website
  • Sponsor European Commission

The MeS Laboratory is now part of the del Marie-Sklodowska- Curie Innovative Training Network HealthPros (Healthcare Performance Intelligence Professionals), and together with other research institutions in the field of health care data science and performance improvement (Academic Medical Centre of the University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands; North Denmark Region/Aalborg University Hospital,Denmark; Optimedis AG, Germany; University of Surrey, United Kingdom; Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary) will train 13 ESRs (PhD candidates)  into a first generation of Healthcare Performance Intelligence Professionals that can make effective use of available healthcare performance data in countries to improve integrated service delivery, patient engagement, equality in access to healthcare, health outcomes, and reduce waste in healthcare.

HealthPros ("Performance Intelligence Professionals") is designed to train international analysts that will be able to systematically link health data and strategic planning decisions. Through a new discipline of "Performance Intelligence in Health", HealthPros is expanding the breadth of human resources that can be employed by research institutions, private companies and government institutions, to turn health information into actions aimed at continuously improving health systems and services.

The training network brings together leading academics in the field of data science and health care performance assessment and improvement, as well as a wider immersion community, including stakeholders such as health insurance companies, national and regional agencies, multi-national consulting and pharma companies.

The HealthPros Training Network provides an innovative 3-years programme of collaborative, multidisciplinary and entrepreneurial training to the PhD candidates. Through innovative research, HealthPros is developing tools and implement methods to streamline healthcare performance measurement, the development and application of performance-based governance mechanisms and effective use of Healthcare Performance Intelligence by different end-users, that match the different health care systems in the Netherlands, Denmark, Germany, UK, Italy, Hungary and Canada, and will support the transferability of the tools and methods to other countries.

Co-coordinator: Dott.ssa Anna Maria Murante



Recruitment is now open -until March 31st- through the website:

Candidates should have a master degree in a relevant discipline, less than 4 years research experience and no doctoral degree. They must not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in the country of the recruiting host organisation for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately before the recruitment date.

The 2 profiles connected to the MeS Lab are number 6 and 12: