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REGEOCITIES: Regulations of Geothermal HP systems at local and regional level in Europe

  • Project category Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme
  • Lab/Research Area Istitute of Management SuM
  • Costo complessivo €1 686 580
  • Quota partner €146 426
  • Scientific Directors Marco Frey
  • SSSA involvement Partner
  • Website
  • Sponsor European Commission

REGEOCITIES project is focused on the achievement of the National Renewable Energy Action Plans (NREAP) geothermal targets 2020 marked by countries with ambitious objectives regarding Shallow Geothermal (SGE) systems by means of the removal and clarification of the non-technical administrative/ regulatory barriers at local and regional level.


- Identification of non-technical barriers to the development of SGE systems

- Recommendations for regulations & policy regarding the common actuation protocols for the regulation of SGE systems.


Sant'Anna School (partner) and other european partners (13 partners in total)